Caleb Savant goes over a quick and effective way to set up your sling for maximum maneuverability on your AR-15.
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Fellow leftie here, exactly like that! Could you make videos how to operate the controllers also as a leftie, how you do those?
Wow. I love these videos!
We could solve the oil 'shortage' if they tapped into just half of what is in my main mans hair!
Fellow lefty here. Ever encountered a problem with your front sling attachment point being so close to the ejection port? I have had a couple of malfunctions while shooting from non-standard positions where I think the sling got in the way of the ejecting brass.
If Caleb gets any more excited he'll pass out.
A fellow lefty! need to get a sling for my AR, lots to choose from. Not sure how that front swivel would mount on my AR….
Cool DIXXON flannel!
Here's an idea. Put a mechanism in a butt stock that works like a seat belt. A ratchiting mechanism for the sling, so when not in use the sling gets rolled up neatly and out of the way.
I'm a huge proponent of the good old fashioned GI web sling. Simple, effective, and ridiculously versatile.
I’m a lefty and I’m set up the same way.
Good stuff Caleb and always not a hair out of place, I'm jealous 😁
thats how i run my sling, but i have a 1 handed sling so i don't have to throw my hand out.
This guy's hair is nicer than the gun!
hey im left eye dominant lol, i run stocks fired weapons on the left, and pistols i shoot right handed i just cant my head a lil.
Button that top button vato! You down enough homie!
Whatever Caleb Savant suggests, I listen. His presentations are crisp, planned in advanced, time-efficient, and carry solid content. He gets cred also because no tats, no ZZ Top beard, clean clothes, combed hair, served in the military. Steve is the same from a prior generation; serious experiential knowledge given calmly and professionally. I buy from Brownells because of them.
What a nice guy 👍
What kind of skiing are you running? Is that the Vickers?
Always making me feel smart
I like that u keep the front attachment close-up always thought that would work good. What kind of optics u got on that?? I just upgraded from a red dot to a vortex 1×4 and I'm loving it
I run my sling with the front closer to gas block.
Nice set up very forward thinking
Being a lefty myself this makes it easy to follow. We've had to learn to reverse a lot of things since the world is designed for right handed people. Historically we were persecuted as bad or worse than gays or minorities. I was born when parts of the country were still beating children in school to make them use their right hand instead of their left. Luckily we lived in California where they had changed that policy.
End of history rant.
I don’t like this guy. He’s hurting the reputation of brownells
Yep, opposite side on the rear attachment may seem counterintuitive, but it carries better and works off of either shoulder better that way.
Power to the lefties! Only people in their right mind.