Just a brief review on the Streamlight TLR 6. Mounted it on the Springfield XD 9mm Subcompact Mod 2
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The way how you have your gun ingraved XD SUB COMPACT ? Is that how your gun came or is that some custom work you did to it on your own..also that Lazer beam you have would it fit on any XD sub compact..or is there any particular model for the Lazer beam
Nice video. I have the XD 40 subcompact. Will the TLR6 fit my 40?
It seems the kind of hard for you to speak and you didn't curse I wonder was that hard to do bro
Part number please
paint job is clean chief post a video of how you do that if you havent already. wanna do black lettering on my chrome finished xdm 3.8 compact
This was the first handgun mounted light I owned. It's good for identifying threats inside of a house. But it's a little weak for outdoors. And I went to the streamlight tlr8a for my glock 19 and 23. And for my dih 320c. That 500 lumens and.5000 candela is very effective out to 25 to 50 yards which is not bad for a handgun. It's convenient and comfortable to carry for a extended amount of time. I did have to change our the high switch for the lie switch, which took all of a minute. And the low switch works best for me. Great lights.
There is no different among glock cause I got one from a store called mrmasterglock on wickr and it look like this

Nice review. I'm thinking about putting one on my xdm 4.5 .45. This helps the decision. Liked music too.
good job, I love xd's and may have to give this light a try on some of mine
Nice XD. I love my XD more than my Glock which I plan on selling to put towards a desert eagle to carry, lol.
but I also run a Stream light on my XD-40 almost got the TLR 6 but since I never use my stand alone green beam I ended up getting the 500 lumens TLR-7 I found on Amazon for around 160$ & for the money those 500 lumens that’s a cool clean white really puts out not to mention the strobe alone will blind & disorientate any attacker with eye sight in seconds.
Very nice set up man thanks for sharing.
Were you able to find a holster that would work with the TLR 6 on your gun?
Very good review! understandable and visible. Thank you for your help.
Good review; thank you!
I have the TLR-6 for my full size Springfield XD-9 and I've been very happy with it.
How much was this your tlr6 ? I love my olight baldr mini but I can’t find a holster for it, also how did you get the engraving white looking good.
My pops lives right by C2 Tactical by the Arizona Grand Resort. Can’t wait to head back that way! Good content man keep it up
You do know that you can adjust the laser to sit just above your front sight