Home Nikon Different ways to mount binoculars to a tripod

Different ways to mount binoculars to a tripod


There are many different ways to mount binoculars to a tripod. Cody walks you through the different products you can use to mount your binoculars to a tripod and get the maximum stability!

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  1. Is there anything made for my 8 yr old or so Zeiss 10×45 RF binoculars to mount on a tripod? There is no stud on my binoculars and i see the Dead on Industries only list Swarovski and Leica im not seeing Zeiss? Thanks Steve,

  2. Not with my 20×80 Meade astrological binoculars! No rubber straps for me. I'm using a mechanical mount that screws into the tripod head and the binoculars!

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