Home StreamLight Glock 43x MOS with TLR7 Sub!

Glock 43x MOS with TLR7 Sub!


Streamlight TLR7 Sub, the newest light from Streamlight! This little guy packs a punch for sure. I can definitely get behind the guy. but first we need to make a holster. This holster is going out to a State Police Firearms Instructor which is pretty cool to me!

This is my first time doing this combo, so lets see what we learn!
Glock 43x MOS With TLR 7 SUB

And a special thanks to Streamlight for Hooking me up with what i needed for this build.

All material from
mold from
Im from my momma

If you would like a holster, visit here👇👇👇

If you’d like to email me, visit here 👇👇👇

Follow FalTac Garage here👇👇👇

If you thumbs down this video, i hope you step on a lego hahah

“You’ll never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you. You’ll always be criticized by someone doing less. Remember That”
~Denzel Washington

Music: Dark Love
Musician: Vermos

#Kydexholster making
#DIY kydex holster
#Diy powdercoat

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  1. This is awesome, just ordered the exact same holster from a different company, then I see you literally building it on camera smh. If the one I get is trash, then I’ll probably contact you. I would use the standard Safariland large molded paddle instead though.

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