Home Gun News & First Ammendment Issues NRA-ILA | Arizona: Senate Judiciary Hearing Self-Defense Bills

NRA-ILA | Arizona: Senate Judiciary Hearing Self-Defense Bills


On Thursday, March 3rd, the Senate Judiciary Committee will be hearing two House bills improving self-defense in Arizona. Please use the Request to Speak application (RTS) on the Arizona State Legislature website to ask them to SUPPORT House Bills 2414 and 2316. RTS is the most efficient and effective way to contact committee members regarding second amendment legislation. It is imperative that you create an account and continue utilizing this tool throughout the 2022 legislative session.

House Bill 2414 allows law-abiding citizens to store their loaded firearms in their locked personal vehicles while parked on school grounds. This ensures that parents are able to pick-up and drop-off students without first having to stop and unload their firearms before driving onto school grounds, or deviating from their route to park off-campus. So-called “gun-free zones” are arbitrary boundaries that only disarm law-abiding citizens and leave them defenseless while doing nothing to deter criminals. 

House Bill 2316 expands areas where concealed carry permit holders can lawfully carry concealed firearms, to include certain public establishments and events. ​

Again, please use the Request to Speak application (RTS) on the Arizona State Legislature website to ask the committees to SUPPORT HB 2414 and HB 2316.

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