In this video, retired Navy SEAL Mark “Coch” Cochiolo talks about five common rifle shooting mistakes he sees when training others.
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5 Common Pistol Shooting Mistakes:
Common Shotgun Shooting Mistakes:
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Awesome content! Thanks
The California rule makes you look like you are holding hold the AR15 like a WWII German FG42!
Who makes that grip? I'm in CA too, and am using a resurgent arms, which I don't hate, but that one has more angle
Glad to say I've never seen anyone doing the chicken thing, but trying to teach people (friends) to lean into and put their weight on their front foot, is a full time job when I'm out shooting with friends! Being a fellow CA resident, I can appreciate all the extra pain in the ass we have to deal with regarding our firearms, and love that you are doing these vids!
are those tactical crocs?
Really good, thanks!
Cali‘s grip requirements making it less ergonomic to renegade the safety is so f-ing ironic
That laugh in the background crack me up… nice
Thankful for you. We also live behind enemy lines ( California
) May I ask what kinda featureless pistol grip is that and have you tried the one Juggernaut Tactical makes ?
The first one is that weird ass pistol grip
The chicken wing (just your strong arm side)as you call it was taught at Paris Island for shooting at 200yds in the off hand, an easy way to get your specific cheek wield is to put your chin on top of the stock as its shouldered and slide your face down it and you will find what works and lines up your poa. Just out of curiosity, what was your BUDs class?
God that Cali grip. Makes zero sense. Just goes to show how little politicians know about firearms and the good hearted firearms community.
Damn I actually learned how to properly shoulder a rifle

You're exaggerating the recoil when you're in the "wrong" position. I don't trust what you're saying because of that. Just show the true effect dude. Pffff
Cool California gun… lol
Jesus! a Seal has to do the california grip? He has to comply with bs? Wow….. seriously? Cali is now Commie.
The "chicken wing" was taught in WWII marksmanship training (
see around the 20:00 mark). Then, the troops were shooting an M1 Garand/30-06 round. To do the "chicken wing" correctly, you must lift your elbow UP MORE, pointing skyward to around a 45-degree angle (not parallel) to the ground. When your arm is up that much, it opens the shoulder and makes finding the pocket very easy…this results in a lot less shoulder-beating and developing a flinch, which is easy to develop when you're shooting '06 rounds all day, instead of .556. Also, with that 45-degree chicken wing, your shoulder muscle ends up pressing against the opposite side of your cheek weld, giving another point of stability for the standing position. (try it, you will be surprised how it steadies the rifle while standing). So, if done correctly, that chicken wing improves accuracy and reduces fatigue and flinching, at least with '06 rounds. If it's done a just a matter of form, and without understanding, then it's pointless.
When I first started shooting I took a class with a retired Navy SEAL. He went over these same things
I think the chicken wing stance started back in WW 1.
You are a god send sir, thank you for your service and thank you for properly showing us the correct way and or form to fire a rifle. Sorry it’s a Comi-rifle and Comifornia has stooped so low, but I’m going to use these skills you taught me, hopefully in the near future to TAKE back what is ours…our rights.

Would this man be interested in moving to America. In Tennessee, we can own firearms that work properly.
Great points man! Thank you!
Let me sum up the 5 common rifle mistakes into one.
You live in California…….badummm cchhh.
Ive never commonly seen some put a AR that far out on their shoulder ever lol
That's what has been described to me as "God's pocket". AK guys won't understand this principle lol
I had to change from featureless to fixed mag. Most featureless grips put more strain on ur wrist and kind of forces you to chicken wing your arm. Especially when rapid firing. Also the safety is a bit of a reach.
my gawd, you really like to abuse that wrist dontcha. Oh, its kali-compliant…NVM.
I heard a recommendation to pull the rifle into your shoulder by the pistol grip while pushing out with your other hand on the fore grip. Any thoughts?
is that grip made for conceal carry?
Great content, very useful and instructive! SF Brazil
Can you please make the same video with a hunting rifle (bolt action) that has a standard stock not a chassis?
Don't be that guy who lives in California.
Thanks man!!!
Nice to see we swedes have less restrictions on our AR15s than Californians
The first mistake is taking advice from a Seal, dumbest folks in the military…
Safety manipulation – click from safe to binary, after that, if I'm not shooting something my finger is not on the trigger – done
Empty forward assist on a silencer host upper.. hum.. I wonder if that would help relieve some of the gas in the face since it has a route to escape? Just crossed my mind..
Ol' MSG would've ripped out ones skeleton through the A-hole, if you forgot to close that dust-"lover" after a tight tango… Must have been a thing, back in the olden days…
That explains the angle of the pistol grip.
0:48 slightly exaggerated muzzle lift there champ – you have a good comp…just roll back on your heels naturally, no need to lift anything extra
3:13 same same…yeah, it's for emphasis…but come on man
5:37 same same
But yeah, good advice, sorry for your Cali-compliant rifle…*yuck* – you should probably move if you could !
Great, effective teaching style. Always welcome at my range amigo.
Outstanding. Thank you.
I've been shooting for a bit, your information and presentation is excellent stuff EVERYONE needs to know and practice
That chicken wing demo was epic!
Excellent points covered, thank you sir!