Home CMMG Short Barrel .308 USELESS?!? These Results Might SHOCK You. Federal .308 Win150gr...

Short Barrel .308 USELESS?!? These Results Might SHOCK You. Federal .308 Win150gr Powershok Gel Test


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  1. I built a budget AR 308 and have 2 uppers. One is 20", couldn't get better than 2 MOA after lapping the receiver and squaring up the barrel to the receiver. The other upper is with a 12.5" hitman industries barrel and not lapped but its already getting around 1.5" groups. I've tried several different handload combinations to see if I could get 1MOA or better. I really like the 12.5" barrel and was wondering if I should keep trying to get 1MOA or be happy with the 1.5" groups? Go ahead and lap that receiver to the barrel? buy a better barrel? The gas block is adjustable and I think I have it tuned correctly. It cycles great. It is ear piercing loud and thinking of suppressing it.

  2. The word is tragically overused today, BUT—What an AMAZING piece of artillery!!
    I GOTTA….Ahem…. Do the WISE thing and GET ONE ASAP!! Errrrr….I mean….. Awe, hell… She's gonna be mad…

  3. That's some pretty good performance. I have an AR-10 .308, 'spose I could make me a short upper for it. Otherwise, I have a 300AAC pistol that works great as a home defense weapon and an awesome truck gun as well.
    I really enjoy these jiggly jelly tests, and as always enjoy Andrew's words. Have a great day.
    I Love You ❤️

  4. I wouldn't use this combo for home defense because it is completely overpowered and will deafen everyone in the house. If its all you've got, sure, but you don't want to lose your hearing just to shoot a bad guy. That's why I use a handgun for home defense.

  5. My go-to hog hunting set up is a 12.5” AR10 308 build with a Ballistic Advantage barrel with a carbine length gas system. I also have an 18” rifle length and a 16” mid length but the 12.5” is still and has always been my favorite.

  6. You should see it hit steel at 100, teeth chattering orgasmic girations, very fullfilling 🥴 and great for a combloc ballistic apron when being served up a delicious borsht. Get a blast forward device so don't waste any of the resipe.

  7. Fricken-A, for the duration of that video I did not need a blue pill. Great to see the .308/ 7.62
    Nato get some jello love, especially demonstrating loads that would be considered less overpenetrative for defensive use.

  8. This would really shine with 200+ grain bullets out of that 10", you probably wouldn't lose hardly any velocity but would gain a bunch of energy. With that said, I'd never want to fire a short barrel .308 inside.

  9. Don’t mess with a .308’s potential….don’t know much about the semi’s but I’ve got an XP-100C in .308 15 1/2” HVY BBL and it’s stupid accurate a also !!…. Taken large boar once with my mini 30 at 20’ dropped the hog on spot but found out when cleaning the bullet barely fractured the spine….got rid of that 7.62×39…. 😳

  10. You're missing a key advantage of a shortie .308, specifically, the pistols. After Walmart went woke and banned .223, 5.56, all pistol and 'assault rifle ammo', you could still saunter up to their counter and ask for food for your .308 pistol with an excrement-eating grin.

  11. Holy "Wow"!!! I have always wanted and still want a 7.5 to 10" inch .308 AR platform it is my dream Gun. hell yeah I would use it for home defense and the new Springfield Saint Edge (ATC) is "SICK" and about time somebody innovated the AR platform. In my opinion the Saint Edge ATC is the best aesthetically pleasing AR ever built and it just Looks Wicked and futuristic and I will own one in probable 10-20 years when they come down in price and probably used lol

  12. What rich dickhead has more than a handful of .308 softpoints. I would like to see how a fmj does considering I just went deer hunting and between 7 guys all with 308 we had maybe a couple boxes each of sps But thousands and thousands of rounds of fmj. Your first couple of mags might be Gucci… But after that it's fmj all day. 3006 we have alot of sps but that's only because we can't find 3006 surplus anymore and it's about $1 per round for fmj anyway around here. Great video as always! Much appreciated!

  13. I have shot in home without ear protection a 9 mil pcc, 9mil hand firearms and the 556 short barrel the 9 mills are not that bad loud yes now that 556 is super loud compared I would not use my 308 in the house unless that's all I had to use but if you had a super super larger then normal rat to kill that flash and bang would not be a problem should I have to pull the trigger

  14. I'm of the opinion that with modern firearms and the capacity they provide, I'll likely never be reloading in a self defense situation (against an animal or otherwise). I'll always have extra mags, but I'm more worried about what's in the gun. With that in mind, I always go for the most powerful I can handle. I shoot 44 very well so I carry that or a 10mm innawoods. I have many 223/556 ARs, but I do have an AR10 ready and nearby (bachelor life), and have seriously considered a 12.5 308 for truck gun/home defense.

  15. Hell yes! I have the Diamondback .308 AR-10 "pistol" with a 13in barrel. That thing rocks and is pretty damn accurate to at least 300yrds. (Haven't been able to try farther yet) The muzzle flash doesn't seem as bad as some of my shorter 5.56 ars or aks, but the concussion is pretty wicked. I'm thinking about getting a sound mitigation device for it to help a bit.

  16. I'm not seeing anyone mention the fact that Ian and Karl were using 7.62×51 and this is a .308 hunting round. There is a difference between the military stuff and commercial .308. Regardless a .308 SBR holds no interest for me

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