Home AR-15 How To Clean A 5.45×39 AR-15 After Shooting Corrosive Ammo (7N6)

How To Clean A 5.45×39 AR-15 After Shooting Corrosive Ammo (7N6)


Here’s a how to video on how to clean your AR after shooting corrosive ammo through it.




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  1. Excellent job, very insightful video!

    The "Moose Milk" =Ballistol/ Water mix at the range is a good smart idea.

    Looks like the same type of cleaning method as used for cleaning Black Powder arms!

  2. Man this brings back memories. When the 7n6 got banned I retired and ultimately parted out my 5.45 AR after about 7,500 rounds. I have absolutely cleaned it in the shower. I never did more than shake the excess Ballistol pre-mix out before reassembly

  3. I am debating on wether to do this conversion for my ar -15. With the hysteria over .223 I think it would be a good Idea. Has their been any availability issues for the 5.45×39 round? is the nickel boron bcg nessecary?

  4. I figured you'd have a couple 5.45 piston uppers to beat up on as well. So have you ever tried the huldra 5.45 upper? Would love your word on that I don't believe everything I hear but you keep it simple and I weigh heavily your opinion. Great vids great info, as always, thank you mr.gunsgear.

  5. After doing a lot of research I keep hearing conflicting stories as far as weather to use water or not. Some say water doesn't remove the salt and only promotes corrosion. Some videos I have seen just advise of cleaning like you would after using non corrosive ammo as some have been doing this for 15 years+ with no problems.

  6. So to clean the gas tube all you have to do is put hot water down it, the blow the water out with compressed air? Also does the compressed air blow all of the water out of the gas tube?

  7. I've been shooting my excellent S&W MP15R for about 4 years and have thousands of 7N6 rounds through it with no corrosion problems, so far. I meticulously clean it, just like you do about once a year, and do a good quick clean with Windex after every shooting session. A suggestion: I have switched to an Otis rod made for the .17 rimfire, and  have found this is much easier to clean the bbl with than a .22 cal. rod. Nice video.

  8. MrGnG, I'm thinking of doing a 5.45 AR build using the Huldra complete upper. Can you elaborate on the ejection pattern of the 7n6 on the AR? I shoot lefty so I want to minimize casings coming back in my face and I wasn't sure if the deflector works well with the Russian ammo?

    Side note, any advice on the huldra or Adams arms piston uppers?


  9. I have not seen any mention of the lacquer coating on the 7N6.  You very well know the urban legends about the old lacquer coated import .223 ammo "destroying every rifle they ever ran in".  What are you thoughts/care taken to avoid "lacquer catastrophes"?

  10. That would be pretty sweet. Been stocking up on 5.45×39 surplus and will be doing a build very soon. Just waiting for aim to get the complete uppers back in stock. I really enjoy your video's.

  11. hey, great vids!  I have a piston AR in 5.56 that I love, and want to take advantage of the 15 to 16 cent 5.45 ammo out there, even though we reload 5.56 for about 25 cents each.  I would like to stay piston operated, do you have any opinion about the adams arms huldra 5.45  versus the smith & wesson m&p?  or other ar type you like?  or do you think AK-74 is a better way to go?  haha million q's… thank you!

  12. Dude! a couple Veprs and  few Sig556R's are all I have ever owned and know. Honestly can say i dont know jack shit about an AR. Somewhat kinda but not really like sigR.. but getting my AA moe 5.45×39 upper in this week to go with a LMT lower i got in the Obama gun scare. I appreciate your work man, very helpful,great vid. I will be watching this again step by step after the range. Ride On and God Bless

  13. I had a pretty in depth conversation with an engineer at FN and he explained (in way more detail than was necessary) why there's no need to ever actually run anything through a gas tube. I've stuck with that for a while.

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