T.REX ARMS CEO Lucas Botkin explains which foregrips he runs and his rifles and why. Ultimately… it all comes down to personal preference. No black and white answer here. Try different things and see what works best for YOU.
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Id love to know your thoughts on the new Army shooting qual and what attachments you would use to accomplish it more effectively
Great video brother!
i finally found this video after seeing only gaming bullshit
I like running my DD socom mk18 with a vertical foregrip, like the knights armorment. Got a HAMR scope and a suppressor from DD.
Приємно дивитись за роботою Профі!!
I prefer my clean slim rail with a rail cover. I tried the vertical grip for awhile and just can't dig it more than a clean rail
Magpul Angled AFG 2 is the best
Have you tried the Ryker grip on any of your rifles? If so, what's your take on it?
How much shit can you fit on your AR
So you're saying it all comes down to person preference.
One of the best operators there is! Do you have any vids on ar pistols and recoil? I can't figure out how to get mine to settle down
Always love Lucas (T.REX) Videos!
I'll take your word for it lol
Broomhandle helps you facecheck the guy in your way
wannabe spoiled non working trex guys,plz keep stoking up on stuff so if shtf we can easily take all ur stuff #FakeToughGuys . real world you'll do nothing

So where do you add your microwave and cup holder?
No grips, just calluses and pictany because I'm a Chad and I choose not to further elaborate.
Bro. Join the infantry. Have experience that matters and applies to real life shooting. Not range time. To much info w no experience except range shooting. You know your stuff. But mist if it is paper and clay
This mf trigger pull/reset is so beautiful you can’t tell if the rifle is semi or full
Do they not sell the bcm grip anymore and if so do they have it for pic also
had to chuckle at the AR pistol, because of the title, brace over stock…gimme a break
The Bcm is not 90* so it works on pistols
The ATF defines a vertical for grip as a grip that is forward of the barrel and perpendicular (90 degrees) to the bore of the rifle. Seeing how they specifically state 90⁰ does that make these 86⁰ angled grips all good for pistols or?
Personally I like angled grips because I can get a better grip on the gun
What the hell are you preparing for lol