Home AR-15 What Rifle Foregrip is Best? Angled? Vertical? Handstop?

What Rifle Foregrip is Best? Angled? Vertical? Handstop?


T.REX ARMS CEO Lucas Botkin explains which foregrips he runs and his rifles and why. Ultimately… it all comes down to personal preference. No black and white answer here. Try different things and see what works best for YOU.

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  1. Bro. Join the infantry. Have experience that matters and applies to real life shooting. Not range time. To much info w no experience except range shooting. You know your stuff. But mist if it is paper and clay

  2. The ATF defines a vertical for grip as a grip that is forward of the barrel and perpendicular (90 degrees) to the bore of the rifle. Seeing how they specifically state 90⁰ does that make these 86⁰ angled grips all good for pistols or?

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