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I still prefer the A1 with pencil barrel
I love your hair Kaydi. You look like a Southern Disney Princess. My wife wants an AR pistol, or maybe a CZ Scorpion or maybe the PSA AKV and an M1 Garand. Oh and an FAL too ….
Men telling woman what too do is crazy , no cap
Def agree in one sense, EVERYONE not just women, should invest time into understanding what’s best for their body type etc… too many people just want a cookie cutter approach and some people don’t want to help a newbie learn and then let them make their own decisions which may not be smart yet but they need to learn at their own pace. Advice is great, don’t blindly think for the sheople though, challenge them to learn and get good.
Kaydi…betraying me here with the magnifiers.
They're great dude, give 'em a chance. You can just pop it off and throw it in a pack or whatever when you're not using it!
I want to know how many 'takes' were required to make this video!
Now we need the best RPK for women
Y'all are a hoot!
KAYDI’s needs to be on more!
just ordered a brace from yall
I agree with Kaydi and have always felt that for women it comes down to what they are comfortable with and they shoot the best. Why wife thinks most of mine are too bulky and heavy. I have a few stripped lowers that I want to take one and build from the ground up just for her.
Hi, much enjoy your knowledge, enthusiasm and humor in your videos. I'd like to see Alek do a video on his thoughts about solutions for left handed shooters. What's his suggestions for AR upgrades for lefties? What pistols he recommends for south paws? Etc.
My girlfriend prefers AK over my lightweight AR. Says the ruggedness makes her feel better since she can't mess it up
Awesome video! Just watched it with my wife and she (Katie as well lol) agrees with kaydi as well. She's new to guns and really likes her Ruger 10/22. Hopefully I can build her an ar she'll love just as much.
I'm a woman who will take any & all guns I see here. Is there a grenade launcher in the mix somewhere??!

Excuse you! 7.5 inches is not long enough for Kaydi.
Clint is a strong and empowered woman.
I'll save y'all 24 minutes. It's whatever one she likes shooting best.
Is it really a womans perspective, or a smaller stature persons perspective?
Like from brazil
So on top of being a constitutional infraction the NFA also discriminates against women good to know
I have a Psa 16” lightweight setup. I bought the upper and lower separately. The upper has the pencil barrel with the lightweight m-lok hand guard. The lower has the Mft minimalist stock. I upgraded the trigger the the rise race flat single stage. I love it! It has a Sig Romeo red dot with backup flip up sights. It’s budget friendly and very lightweight. Shoots great. Buying the upper and lower separately saves you 11% on tax. I also have a Psa in an 11.5” barrel. I just bought a giant Ar10 with a 22” barrel. The lop is to long for me so I have to find a different stock. The thing is a heavy beast! I’m 5’1” and 97 pounds. I’m a certified gun nut! I also have an Extar ep9! All the women love that gun!
The ideal AR for me is an AK
Clint Vs Katie where they look.
Took me a minute to work it out, but.
If you watch when Katie looks away from the camera, She quickly forgets it's there.
When she turns and talks to Clint or anyone else, she is 100% invested in talking to the person.
While Clint is always aware of the camera, you can feel him wanting to look back into the frame whenever he is looking at someone else.
If the mk18 was 300 blackout and sbr. Yeah I'd say very close to perfect. It just depends. For CQB maybe a PCC would be better. And all the atchments are necessary, because now you have options on how you want to engage the threat or target. Weather it be full on secret squirrel or basic red dot and light.
Get her a 6" 9mm AR-9, she would be familiar with the controls, but it is light and easy shooting.
Kaydi is just plain awesome!!!!!!
Kaydi is awesome!!!!
Screw the haters, Kaydi makes these fun
"What you're trying to say is that you want excuses for when you miss." Yep. Kaydi nailed it.
Kaydi in the next build challenge?
Before my wife bought her pistol and AR, we drove to more than one shop and went to a few ranges for her to "fit test" different handgrips, length, ease of use, weight and sights. I highly recommend this before buying anything. Most ranges have rentals you can use or go with a friend that has different firearms than you so that they can try different styles. Comfort and reliability should drive the sale, not the price or pretty trinkets.
The pink ones
No kidding they didn't design it for a particular sex. They never have.
Looking forward to winning the MK18 pistol
Do a build series with kaydi
First thing gone for me is the IR laser. Less weight on the barrel end means faster movements.
My wife like's her MP5 K for her home defense weapon.
Sometimes I just wish Clint would shut up and let other speak. This was one of those times.
I work with The Well Armed Women organization and is is about time Kaydi "roared"…huge amount of ladies in the game now. Great video. Hope to see more balanced content in the future. Tacticool guy fun with smooth gal pew pews.
My wife has yet to shoot mine but she is about practicality. So showing her the advantages in size and barrel length she wants a 14.5 or 16 Aero or BCM. Guess who has permission to buy a gun
Put the Galil Ace in her hands! I think she’ll like it