– Brrr!!!! I took Sprinkles, my AR-15 from Bravo Company USA, out for some cold weather testing at -37 degrees F, and she functioned flawlessly. I use Slip 2000 EWL (Extreme Weapons Lube), which works amazing and is rated down to -110 degrees F.
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Good shit. I do not think I would have the balls to go shoot in below 37 degrees.
does the snow muffle the sound any?
Like how you keep your face covered or not visible in all your vids. Pretty badass
Hey Wonder Woman, your invisible plane cloaking device appears to be turned off.
hi ti's great video but you shooting so slow
Just out of curiosity, what is the current lubricant that you use now? This video is nearly 2 years old so I'm assuming you might have tried other products by now. An answer would be appreciated!
no AR allowed here. but come try that in my -50 below. gun would freeze and stop.
and ten minutes later…..
Every time I watch this, it reminds me of how fragile I really am.
I haven't been shooting enough. And here it has been 37 above!
happiness is a warm gun…. on a cold cold day
Just "liked" the video. Awesome shooting in extreme weather. Very cool back drop with the plane. I've got a bcm built and love it as well. Thanks for the videos!
The snow is cold but this video warms my heart! +1
Damn 37 below thats nuts. I went shooting the other day up hear in vermont and it was 16 below and i thought that was pretty cold
This girl is so hot. Im surprised she hasn't melted the snow around herself. None of her videos show her complete face though…Yes, I realize this isn't the point of the video…but still… I ponder..
hey go check out my video on the tests I have performed on slip 2000 ewl…it kicks ass
-37 that is wanting some range time bad!
what type of sight do you have there?
Where is your hat? Its way too cold
How are you allowed to shoot so close to an airplane/airport?
Where do you live and how often does the temperature dip to -37?
Nice video. I remember qualifying on my M16A2 at Ft McCoy, WI in February!! Temp was about the same!
Is that an Illyushin in the background? You never say a word. Something tells me we're not in Kansas.
It's a black and OD Green pattern of Magpul XTM rail covers
Slip 2000 EWL
No, I'm using a Battlecomp 1.5 Black Oxide
Are you running the Effin A on your AR?
Whats with flipping the AR? It seems like a whole lot of wasted time for nothing
Is there a downed plane behind you?
I got the PPQ in .40 S&W. Awesome pistol, especially for the used $425 price tag. Too bad Walther has come out with that M2 version garbage. I'm sure it's a great too, and everything, but I find myself asking myself why they'd change something that doesn't need altering. That First Edition is going to be worth some money down the road for sure.
Did you fly to your shooting range
yep. a gal shooting ar ar in -37 and with all her other pro gun vids. im a new sub. thanks for taking the time to share em.
you filmed all this at -37 with no hat on?
you're a braver person then I.