You guys have been requesting it so here you go, in this video we take a top tier Lewis Machine and Tool piston upper and run it full auto until failure. The results are surprising, take a seat and see for yourself.
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Imagine LMT's Toolcraft bolt carrier being the weakpoint, there next gen metal is worth the 300 just for the bolt carrier….watches this video…… F#$%
Ah the YouTube free speech NAZI'S must be at work here.
Wish you guys would melt down the PWS long stroke piston upper
So It went the same amount of rounds as the M&p only you gave this gun more time to cool off taking its temperature I’m even more impressed with an M&p now
So what'd lmt have to say about it
Please do hk416…
Guy with steel case is concerned with using proper tools later. Nah just cinder block it!
I wonder how far this upper would go without the heat treat issue on the carrier
No hk hu
I'd like to see a vintage FN FAL meltdown
Should have switched to ADVERSE since it was dirty. That could have helped.
Ray was annoying as hell with that thermometer
Did lmt ever comment ? Pretty amazing stuff lmt is top notch
Covid hobbyists triggered about the ammo expended lol
Please try k2 full auto please pleaseplease
Boy it seems like a piston AR is the way to go!
I know it’s an old video but LMT had heat treat issues that caused that same issue on my piston MRP. They replaced my BCG free of charge. I’d like to see the test with the new BCG.
I love my lmt
It is sad to watch a high quality AR being torture test
M14 meltdown please?
“Exact same magazines in same order as before” drops 3rd mag and skips it haha
3:07 i know you were not trying to it was for safety but thats the most intimidating look ever
I'm very interested to see how a long-stroke AR would perform because a long-stroke system doesn't have the piston impact going on, which caused damage to the bolt carrier group and the piston itself.
Man, when that thing got hot, it really started to scream.
That was at least 1000 to 1100 RPM.
I've noticed that the heat signature in the piston weapons stay more predominantly in the barrel in the gas impingement i notice more heat towards the BCG
Contact Joe at LMT he said in a video he wanted you to reach out and recreate this video.
Melt down a DD AR
the scope added some durability