Home Nikon Full Review: Simmons Pro-Target 4-12×40 mil/mil

Full Review: Simmons Pro-Target 4-12×40 mil/mil


Full Review of the Simmons Mil/Mil scope.

Sorry for the soft focus…forgot to turn auto back on.

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  1. Liked your review on the Simmons Pro-Target 4-12×40 . Have you had any comments on the Simmons Aetec Rifle Scope – 4-14×44 1" SFP FMC WP Capped Truplex Box 5L? Do you expect it to be a direct comparison to the Pro-Target 4-12×40? Thanks

  2. I picked up a 6-18×50 rifle scope for my Remington 30/06 hitting cans from 250 all day. Best scope for the
    Money. Using reloads 125 grain bullets. Try this load its great for deer.

  3. Mine has the tight spot as well. But as I use it it softens up still seems to find its way back to 0 just the same mine is a savage axis 2 xp With floating bull and accutrigger. Gun seems nice but leaves some to be desired. Been a nightmare to break the barrel in. I’m 30 shots in and the groups are starting to come in to focus but it is still a mess. Like 3 moa at 100. Just gave the barrel a full scrub job. Waiting to see how it will group next time out.

  4. I have this scope mounted on a remington model 770 chambered in 7mm rem mag. This scope will not work on the rifle without a riser, the power adjustment hits the rifle when mounted where my eye relief is good.

  5. The old price of 77 has gone up about $5 and works fine for shooting golf balls out to 35 yards. No racoon's come with in 100 yards like the instant weight gain of my swaged 26 gn hollow points. …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ shooting subsonic and suppression makes them continue feeding while I pick them off one by one with night vision added to this scope.

  6. Right on.. badass video looks like a badass scope.. I just got one and was thinking as long as you had it and worked it.. do you think it can hold up on a 300 Win Mag punching out at a 1k yard's ?.. would be awesome to get your opinion.. I was thinking about using it on a match rifle just to show others you don't need $1000 scope to do the job a $80 could too..

  7. Just got one for my AR 10 308 absolutely love it… Sighted it in at the range today and shot sub moa at 100 yards then went to 300 and blasted steel targets with 60 rounds and kept perfect zero… Very very impressed and in love.

  8. Have two 44 mag scopes I love. Also have an 8 point that's terrible. The 44 mag I'd compare with a Nikon Buckmaster II or Vortex Crossfire. The 8 point is like the cheapos you get in most cheap rifle packages.

  9. Just picked one up and mounted it on a 1977 Savage 110s in .308. I am very pleased with this scope, and I am holding 1" groups at 200 yards. I choose to shoot at around 8 power at that distance to make up for the wide reticle. Great review!

  10. well i got one for my new Remington 700 adl ss i walked into elk county arms and ammo i wanted a 243 win in Remington 700 he brought me a new black firearm scoped and all it was a 223 not 243 before money changed hands he got me a 243 but it was a SS barrel & action 700 adl he turned it over the boss said match price it had the 200 years of Remington on the stock and fore-grip oh yes I take it! i figured the scope would work good on it!

  11. The instructions that came with mine told me to go online and read them there, but I can’t find the right ones. Just needed to understand how to zero.

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