Purchase an FM-15:
Who is Tier 1 Citizen:
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Optics Used:
Trijicon ACOG 4×32 ACSS:
Trijicon ACOG 4×32 LED:
Trijicon ACOG 1.5x16S:
Trijicon RMR06:
Trijicon RMR08G:
Aimpoint Micro T-1:
Aimpoint Micro T-2:
Lights Used:
Surefire X300 U/B
Streamlight Protac 1-L
Minuteman Defense: Gat Caddy
T.REX Arms: Sidecar
Bravo Concealment: Torsion
Cameras: SONY HDR-AS15
Partial Human Silhouette – Handgun Rated:
Partial Human Silhouette – Rifle Rated:
Full Human Silhouette – Rifle Rated:
IPSC A Zone – Rifle Rated:
AR500 6″ Diameter Pistol Target:
Target Bases:
DIY Stands:
Static Stand – Heavy Duty:
#everydaycarry #leadonsteel #fasttrigger #magpul #pewpew #tacticaltraining #rifles #sbr #shortbarreledrifle #airsoft #prepping #milsim #paintball #everygunlawisaninfringement
Abner Miranda, Not Airsoft, Firearms Training, T1C, Tier 1 Citizen, Tier 1 Citizen Training, Bravo Concealment DOS Torsion, GS17, Glock 19, Glock 17, CQC, CQB, CQC, Close Quarters Combat, Close Quarters Battle, Shooting Steel, Steel Targets
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picked one up myself and enjoy it. also, I still shoot your old BA 12.5 kino quite a bit – hope all is well, take care & thanks for the vid!
Any suggestions for a better option for the folding stock?
No forward assist? Hmm…
Best firearms instructor on ytube, hands down
Great vid !
First thing I noticed about my FM15 was how hard it is to put it down . Love it.
I ran a few magazines of Wolf and a few of the junky Winchester M855. So far, no malfunctions, and that was before the "break-in" period. Although I ran it wet as hell. I'm rocking mine on a BRN-180 w/ a triangle folder, and it's a real hot.
I absolutely don't understand the plastic ambie safety that is on my fm9 lower. The left bit fell off from my just flipping the safety in dry fire practice. Just put a standard 90degree in and call it a day.
thanks for posting.godbless…..
Wonder if I could get it with a 12.5 barrel? Personal preference thing…
Great seeing you get all excited with that first shot from distance. "Yeah boy, yeah boy" haha, just great man.

Awesome video, as always. Thank you for what you do sir.
Great video. Thanks for the honesty.
That’s a pretty badass little system. Even how they took the time to double pin the gas block. Small details but it makes for a solid and long lasting rifle hopefully! But I’m with you about being hard on ar15 rifles as I build mine also and I get pretty ocd about how my gun is built and the fit and finish, so when things like the gas key being sharp, those are things that just shouldn’t be happening. It just needs better quality control implemented at the factory. Good stuff brother!
Abner your awesome brother. The videos and the facts you put out are great. Thx
Really dig that brace just put one on my pap92 ak pistol yesterday. Looks sick and functions perfect. Lock up and everything is great
Price is up $100 already. Supply and demand.
thank you
Pistol? That's a carbine. Stop complying with the "pistol brace". The gun community can't be complaining about unconstitutional laws as they comply with them. That makes us look like obedient dogs, all bark with no bite.
Got a favorite mlok hand stop?
I can see you like it A Lot.
love to see other ppl enjoying firearms as much as me
Ohh, that's nice
I love aim surplus, i live about 40 minutes away i try to get there as much as i can. Would love to see the longevity of this gun, I’ve been looking at a BRN-180 upper for awhile this whole gun is considerably cheaper than just an upper. Anyone complaining about a QD slot could easily install a pic rail mounted or mlok mounted QD port. Do me a favor and shake your daughters hand for me, too many people giving in to the BS… people will never stop tyranny if they comply with it. My job passed out a paper with a feb 10th date to either get juiced or get tested (at my expense) once a week. Hopefully the courts block it but I’ve already reached out and found a few places i can work if not. It’s BS cause the ones that got it don’t have to get tested even though they’re the ones getting sick
I’ve never had COVID… cause I’ve never been tested for it.
Ps. So now if i come take a class you’ll have a FA gun i can shoot?
That's a sweet looking option. I'm glad your daughter refused to take it. God bless brother!
IMO the controls are no better than a stock AR-15 if you are firing right handed. If you're left handed, you can use the trigger finger to press the bolt catch, while your support hand pulls the charging handle. If you're right handed, your left hand goes to the bolt catch while your right hand goes to the charging handle. I'd rather have an AR-18 style side charge and at least make it a little more convenient.. They should've just included a PDQ lever since they were already billeting a custom non-buffer tube lower anyway IMO.
That’s a darn purdy tool ya got there. If I had the funds I’d be a buyer. That’s an excellent price for the package not to mention how cool that upper is
FM9 here 5" barrel and it fits in a backpack. Really happy with it!
feeling you with the lefty problems.
Lol Olight shills a lot of them are & people buy into everything they say.
Now you have to review an AK. I am sure the fans would love it, as I would.
I purchased a Foxtrot Mike FM-9 10.5" blow-back over two years ago, forward charging also. Love it! But yes that pic rail can seem razor tooth sharp. Bought the larger folding paratrooper charging handle which helps significantly. Still one of my favorites and will consistently be at the range with me. just too good to leave at home.
The upper/rail kind of mimics the HK416 monolithic style system. Very solid lock up. Nice looking blaster!
Tier 1 Citizen approved!
Amazing skills
Never seen a charging handle located like that. Ale yeah … very cool!