Home EOTech SHOT Show 2022 | EOTech

SHOT Show 2022 | EOTech


In this video we stop by the EOTech booth to check out their new handgun red dot releasing later this year.

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  1. For the price sure, but for another $100 you can get the already battle tested Tijicon RMR and its been out for YEARS now. EO makes some damn good optics but when it comes to red dots for pistols/sidearms im rocking with Trijicon!

  2. I have 3 different EOTech holo's on my Komrad, Tavor 7, and Banshee 10mm (LOVE them), but went with a Trijicon SRO for my Walther PPQ .45. I LOVE the SRO, and wanted the larger field of view than the MRO, but realize it's not as rugged as the MRO. So, if the EOTech red dot is as robust/rugged as the MRO with a larger window, I might consider switching IF it would fit on my slide. If it won't, no biggie, still love the SRO that's on it, I'll just have to make sure I don't drop it. I was REALLY hoping that EOTech could have made a more compact version of their holo for pistol use. Guess the technology just isn't quite there yet. Glad to see them enter the market as an alternative though, competition is ALWAYS a good thing.

  3. Everyone in the comments are only talking about the price and not looking at literally everything else, it has less than half the battery life of the industry standard 50k hours even though it's bulkier than other red dots, only ONE night vision setting so it's going to be too bright or too dim depending on what tubes and generation you have, NO auto brightness, NO shake awake, and doesn't use the most commonly used micro footprint that people have milled out.

    People are getting excited just for a logo and not looking at it objectively.

  4. i think itd be more worth the price if they had different MOA dot sizes and maybe if we wanna get creative if they wanna stick to their eotech style an aluminum shroud around the optic you know resembling a hologrpahic sight idk thats just me.

  5. Thanks for the videos, keep them coming. Looks like a solid red dot. We will find out for sure when Sage Dynamic does the drop test LOL. I would buy this instantly if it was a closed emitter. Holosun 509T has too much distortion and the Stiener and Aimpoint Acro is too big and expensive.

  6. Kind of a waste of energy. They're about 4 years late. This is like having lebron on the bench until there's 5 mins left in the 4th and you're down by 40. Should have just spent the r&d and manpower on something else worthwhile. With the night vision becoming more popular and less expensive they should have come up with a new ir laser device

  7. ever heard of holosun. I wonder what the marketing team was thinking.

    "lets come out with a pistol rds that has half the battery life of a holosun, AND 2 years behind the competition….. ALSO lets do it on the 2nd most popular optic cut and NOT the rmr cut.

  8. I can’t help but laugh at dudes that literally dickride holosun when watching videos of other optics. You like holosun? That’s great, what the fuck is the need to spam every video that’s not them?

  9. Half the battery life of a holosun, less reticle options ,for more money and guarantee its not as durable . Youd have to be a real eeotech fanboy to buy this.

  10. I'm glad Eotech is getting into the game…but I don't see this as advancing anything out there or beating another price point. It might win based on durability but that remains to be seen. Otherwise, holosun products are the ones that continue to push the innovation and even the value envelope, IMHO.

  11. Not everyone likes enclosed emitters, they’re pretty unsightly. Plus this is obviously their entry RD with a price like that… They’re definitely coming out with a enclosed one in $500+ price range.

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