Home AR-15 You've Got An AR-15, How Do You Start Training?

You've Got An AR-15, How Do You Start Training?


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Intro Song: “Issa Trap” by Mikey Geiger

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  1. Dry fire is king. Costs nothing, helps you familiarize yourself with your platform, can be done any time any season, and allows you to focus basically just on marksmanship when you do get to the range. Never discount it.

  2. I am NOT an instructor or anything that's remotely close . After the person I'm trying to teach has basics gun handling. I have them focus more on manipulating safety selector than anything else .
    She did very well . I bet within 90 days she'll be under 2.25 seconds for 3 shot and under 7 seconds for Shoot / reload / shoot

  3. I'll be getting my wife shooting this weekend for the 1st time ever (something I NEVER THOUGHT WOULD BE POSSIBLE. This reality coming from a woman who spent time in the middle of the Salvadoran Civil War and hated GUNS with a PASSION, but once she'd seen mine she instinctively wanted to hold it (not gonna lie gave me a stiffy as a ROCK, lol!!!).

  4. Actually wish she was a little less badass. I was thinking this might be a good video to share with beginners in my household but her killing it isn't going to help my new shooters feel comfortable not killing it. You say, "take a the time you need." 1.6 seconds later…

  5. Dry-firing or not, in the first ten seconds her finger was on the trigger the whole time, aiming the weapon down range and at her feet. Is this proper technique? I though that was a no-no 🤷‍♂️

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