Home AR-15 Top 5 Variants Of The AR-15

Top 5 Variants Of The AR-15


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  1. Good video. I like how you all use this platform to introduce new styles of firearms. However, I was surprised to hear the Army is supplying soldiers with full auto M4's to basic infantry. When did they make the decision to go back to the M16-A1 spray and pray tactic? I got out in 2005, so I am sad that I missed this option. Do you know when this started?

  2. The enlarged gas port for the mk18 was worked out at NSW Crane in Indiana. In the early 2000’s, They found that opening the gas port to .070, increased short 10.3” barrel’s reliability between different cartridges as well as when running suppressed or unsuppressed. The .070 was found to be the sweet spot between being over gassed or under gassed while still being able to shoot a variety of ammo both suppressed and unsuppressed. Daniel Defense, took it another step further and opened their gas ports to .082-.084. This increased wear and damage to the overall system, especially the extractor and bcg. Many customers complained about how overgassed the system was and used utilized products like the micro govnah gas block and brt gas tubes, to correct and tame the gaping gas port. Around 2017-2018, Daniel Defense finally gave in and followed Crane’s tried and true .070 gas port for the mk18.

  3. 6.8 Rem SPC sounds great…until you look at the ammo price. 🥴
    I'm sure that'll change when and if the US Military adopts it. But it will probably be a while before that stuff is comparable price-wise to 5.56.
    Until then, a 5.56 DI system works fine for this guy.

  4. Sig MCX Master Race!!! Ya Boi!! It really is the best design and most functional rifle system. I have the Rattler, 11.5 and the 16 inch patrol. You have to own one and shoot it regularly and then you will understand. Once you go MCX it will become your favorite 556 rifle. I love the traditional AR15 and it’s variants but the MCX truly is king!!

  5. When I was at Basic in 1989 we still used M16A1s when we did our BRM iteration. It was the gentlest rifle i've ever fired. Any subsequent iterations have always tried to improve on a an absolute gem of a platform. Nice picks!

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