Swallowing the price tag is any man/womanβs first step in acquiring this absolute hoss of a firearm. Sending wire transfers for ammo or emptying oneβs bank account is the second step. Lastly enjoy it, and donβt stop shooting until ammo is out!
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That is a good question why you would pay 2,200 for an AR when you can get 2 for the same price. These days you pay alot more for the name as well because proven track records but after a certain price it just becomes a diminishing return. If you can get an AR that you know the receiver to barrel has been trued, the head space is correct, quality BCG and the barrel is subjective on what you want to do with it I'll buy 2 at that price all day.
Wilson Combat is the REAL DEAL. I'm looking to own the 300 HAM'R in either the Protector, Recon Tactical or Ranger Platform. I also want the Wilson Combat 308 Winchester in the AR-15 Platform, but that's currently unavailable. They're pricey, but it's worth the money; top notch in QUALITY, reliability, accuracy, durability, and made in America!! And they are Mil Spec'd!

Great content guys. Keep it coming. I'm fairly new to owning several firearms & wil take all the advice l can get
Dammit man. I just got my WC protector pistol & only had time to shoot a few rounds the other day but after watching this im gonna post videos of me magdumping a few mags & 50rd drum
I just bought the same exact one last month and I absolutely love it. This is a great firearm. It's very durable and very accurate. I would absolutely recommend this to anyone
Looking at buying a high end AR, am considering a WC AR pistol. How does it compare to a Geissele Super Duty?
I do own Wilson pistol but I guess I would go with a Saint or Bravo Company in this case. Nice gun for sure.
Great gun, I love mine. To be honest I felt it was expensive, but it is a Wilson combat. Sure you can get a cheaper AR pistol, but this is another level. Thanks for the video, I've been looking for more videos on this particular gun, can't wait for your next video, be safe.
Building your own WC and you save big $$$$
Wow, It is so powerful.
Great gun for operating from a vehicle.
All my ar15's are 20 inches A4 ALL DAY EVERYDAY
Now that's cool I wish my ar had a smaller barrel like that mine is an 18" and I'm not a big fan I might have to sell it and get me a ar pistol