Next in our mini series of guns and designs that are Wonderfully Different: The ATI .410 conversion upper for the AR-15
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I am just glad she moved her fingers before she pulled the trigger for the 1st time.
I got one before the covid out break & my shooting range was shut down. Finely got out to shoot it & it would not eject, so sent it back to ATI & they put more lube on it & test fired it.( or so they said)
I just took it out again last week & now it will not fire any rounds at all. What do look for? Every thing looks ok.
I need to stop watching gun videos I want them all
they are just so fun and they keep us all safe it's win win
Been looking at those sweet set up you have
410 is one of the most underrated rounds ever
I could not find your video review of this firearm.
I can never find 410 ammo anyways LOL
What kind of scope mount is that?
Keymod is old?i literally still have moe on my ar lmao
I want one. I just bought a 410 shotgun
Very nice
Too Bad you can't run .45 LC Through It LOL!
Only way to make this cooler is to pick up some of the Magtech brass 410 shells and make your own reloads for it. Then you're throwing some serious brass!
Looks like it's good for home defense ?
Yea all shotguns have recoil is a myth that a lot of non gun ppl believe it’s really only 12 and 10 ga that have somewhat harsh recoil, the 16 might but I’ve never shot one so I can’t say
Where can I get one?
That is awesome!
I want to see this with short barrel to fit on AR pistol lower with brace!
Great gun, my first ar. Mags have a issue where you have to pull them down a little once you place the mag in the gun for it to cycle rounds properly. Once shooting several mags of ammo I noticed how it can dump more than one round with the pull of the trigger. Don’t know why but it’s crazy fast when dumping the 15 rd mags. Love this gun and it’s a great platform considering you can swap the upper for 5.56 or .300 blk
Just saw a ton of 410 uppers on gunbroker
Just picked up a upper can't wait to pew pew pew pew it
ammo not to bad but I'm making my own slugs oyaaaaaaaa
I noticed you didn’t load any more than 8? Rounds in the 15 round mag. It didn’t work if you loaded past 9 or 10 did it? I’ve never gotten one of the ATI 15 round mags to function even 30% of the time. And I’ve done more 410 ar style firearms than probably anyone else out there.
Where can I get a upper?
How would it perform if you put a binary trigger on it I’m thinking about building 1
Does it have gas system? Can you cut the barrel and install shorter handguard (along with pistol lower) to make it same category as Shockwave?
Beautiful Nice
I've seen these wanted an upper just didn't want the lower. Great ya did review on this
So question about the upper; is it polymer? Cause I swear I read it in a comment or something but now can’t find it. I wouldn’t think it would considering everything but then again crazier things have been made.
Other then that it looks like a lot of fun and good for home defense.
Considering the 18.5” barrel length, part of me wants to get it then slap on Brownells Ltm m203 handguard and launcher and some retro m16 iron sights.
Some less then lethal and others for the 203 mixed with the 410 shotgun shells would be a lot of fun at the range and good for the home too
Good luck finding one, no, ANY, .410 upper. Passed on a PSA sale last fall, haven't found one since….
No problem getting ammo out there ?
Looks like I'm picking up a new upper! I wonder how well this would work with the Echo or Binary triggers?
Why? I get the thing of having caliber options for the AR platform, but the lead coming out has no range…
Definitely different, but very, very cool! Thanks for sharing

Always interesting to hear what Tia thinks.
Does it use 2.5", 3" shells or both ? And are you going to show us some down range footage? Thanks for the vid.
I’ve wanted one of these
An LPVO on a .410???
410 ammo .32c per round, 223 ammo .44c per round
belt fed or im not sold
That was an interesting video and I definitely agree for sure that 410 ammo is not cheap. Try not to shoot the most expensive ammo that I can find and 410 would be one of the more expensive ammo. However it does look like it would be fun to shoot and definitely that is a unique design.
Is the upper polymer like the omni maxx? Had a bad experience with mine as a first ar.
This thing looks fun and interesting but I’m super head shy about ATI’s now
Isn't the scope overkill for a 410, wouldn't a red dot be more appropriate?
Welcome to wonerfully different and old school…don't worry it will be cool again when you least expect it. Great series.