Home CMMG AR Aftermarket Trigger Comparison (Featuring Geissele, Larue, ALG, and CMMG)

AR Aftermarket Trigger Comparison (Featuring Geissele, Larue, ALG, and CMMG)


Here I do a comparison of some aftermarket triggers available for the AR platform.

The triggers are:
Geissele SSA, G2S, SSA (modified), Larue MBT, ALG ACT

I also include a standard parts kit Milspec trigger from CMMG as a baseline.

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  1. Holey moley brother… I appreciate your effort, (great topic) but Man, this shoulda been about 10-15 minutes. You ramble and fumble along. I wish you woulda listed Brand, with cost, and pull weight all in one statement. You have to sit through 30+ uncomfortable minutes to get all the data. And there is no reasonable or accurate way to judge proper trigger weights off just 2 pulls. Also, what is the quality/precision of your pull gauge? I’m not trying to bash your video, just my thoughts..

  2. Brooooo! Haha. Thanks for a great comparison video. Have been researching a lot bc I just bought a Larue MBT and absolutely love it. Great for a DMR. Mine is pulling right at 3# sometimes even below 3#. I initially wondered if something was off on it, but it does have a lot of grease on the sear. So I will take it off and see what it pulls at…then put grease back on 🙂 For my purposes though, it is amazing, especially for the price compared to the G's. had a G2S and sold it within a couple weeks.

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