CMMG brings now offers the Banshee in a new caliber – 4.6x30mm.
Groove life!
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This test is for educational purposes and is specifically filmed and produced in accordance with YouTube’s community guidelines. Dustin is a certified, licensed, and insured firearms instructor. Everything was filmed on an OFFICIAL GUN RANGE and closed range with all the proper safety precautions. Do not attempt to duplicate anything yourself.
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You're going to need something bigger than a 4.6 for that sasquatch.
Sooooo anyone else notice that bigfoot when he was holding up 2 rifles?
Yea, 4.6×30 is cool and all, but I don't really want to stock another caliber. Maybe in a few years when the price comes down. Sure looks like fun though.
What trigger did you have
Let’s cut down another tree I miss them videos
I definitely saw the Bigfoot thing. Not sure if it is real as I've never seen one, and no reaction from the camera. I have seen something similar in a few 1shotTV videos. No tree shaking though. And a lot less visible and more discreet. Check out the T-rex and his Kyle Rittenhouse videos on 1shotTV.
O Christmas…O Christmas tree… I love taking you down with my banshee….
Everyone talks about 4.6 vs 5.7 but the truth is 556 will always have the better penetration
The caliber is too specialized
Couldnt care less about CMMG. When will a Semi-auto MP-7?
Other than picking a fight with a tree, Would be a good shoot and reloade your own caliber/gun for youngsters.
Did anyone notice Bigfoot going off on the tree at 8:40
Quick question, what ear pro do you use?
Are you going to eventually review the AEMS? I would like to hear your thoughts on it.
USA very advance others counters
Very interesting, very cool.
Very good video!
I know 4.6 was actually pretty cheap in normal times, I think there was a lot of stock but not a lot of demand. I didn’t know 5.7 had a lube; it wouldn’t lacquer, would it? How big is that 4.6 mag compared to a .223/5.56 mag?
Wish i lived in the US, cheers from Norway
Love all the details and commentary you provide. I actually learn a bit from watching your channel. Maybe I'm just picky, but when you say "shut up and shoot" it'd be nice if you meant it
haha. But seriously the quality of this channel has improved so much over the last year! Merry Christmas

Thank you for the video!
Cmmg is awesome I have a couple of there uppers! Question what stock did you use on the 5.56 I also saw it on your 4.6 at first?
I’d like to see that 4.6 (that I’ve never heard of) in a bolt gun. If 5.6 is really a .22 caliber bullet, 4.6 has to be tiny.