Home CMMG CMMG FourSix! (4.6x30mm = MP7)

CMMG FourSix! (4.6x30mm = MP7)


CMMG brings now offers the Banshee in a new caliber – 4.6x30mm.
Groove life!

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This test is for educational purposes and is specifically filmed and produced in accordance with YouTube’s community guidelines. Dustin is a certified, licensed, and insured firearms instructor. Everything was filmed on an OFFICIAL GUN RANGE and closed range with all the proper safety precautions. Do not attempt to duplicate anything yourself.

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  1. I definitely saw the Bigfoot thing. Not sure if it is real as I've never seen one, and no reaction from the camera. I have seen something similar in a few 1shotTV videos. No tree shaking though. And a lot less visible and more discreet. Check out the T-rex and his Kyle Rittenhouse videos on 1shotTV.

  2. I know 4.6 was actually pretty cheap in normal times, I think there was a lot of stock but not a lot of demand. I didn’t know 5.7 had a lube; it wouldn’t lacquer, would it? How big is that 4.6 mag compared to a .223/5.56 mag?

  3. Love all the details and commentary you provide. I actually learn a bit from watching your channel. Maybe I'm just picky, but when you say "shut up and shoot" it'd be nice if you meant it 😀 haha. But seriously the quality of this channel has improved so much over the last year! Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄

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