Home CMMG Which Rail/Handguard Is Best For Your AR-15 Setup?

Which Rail/Handguard Is Best For Your AR-15 Setup?


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  1. This was totally useless for me. I wanted to know "benefits" such as heat, getting hot, hands positioning, tricks things that it would do. How it would affect my gun. Weather, climate, heat, dirt snow, etc.. Not just looking at them.

  2. Swear Quality Classic double heatshield handguards are 👑 lighter, handle heat better after multiple mags especially on 10.5/11.5 pistols ,rail sections cut them smaller yourself saves weight, love classic carbine Gas dissipators just paint your irons vertical grip/light/550 mounts n sling your gtg

  3. Some of the laws are a bit cloudy when it comes to vertical grips on a ar pistol. What ive read and think I'm understanding correctly is. I can put a vertical grip on my ar pistol if the pistol is 28+ inches from the barrel without any muzzle device to the fully collapsed brace. You also cannot conceal that firearm i.e. under a long coat or something like that. Does anyone else have any further info on this topic or am I understanding the federal law correctly? I'm fairly new to the ar pistol platform and do want to stay within the law and don't want to go thru the hassle of SBRing my pistol. Maybe when I build a higher quality firearm SBR may be an option but on the current one I have id like to be within the law and set it up that is most comfortable for me.

  4. I have to say I’m a fan of all of them. I actually just ordered a 7” quad rail for my 7.5” AR15 I’m building because well it’s a shorty lol. Now hopefully this stupid liberal dictator government gets booted and I get to finally use it. Yes I live in Canada, I’d honestly love to move to the US because of the freedoms you have!

  5. Mlok is battle tested but most people aren't kicking doors down overseas. Mlok is good stuff but the keymod works well. I think people get on a trend and that's scripture. Do what you want or like with your firearm.

  6. I personally like key mod…if anything I’m going piquet-ini tho for the easy interchange with attachments and they’re pretty durable.. Not a fan of M lock tbh. Takes me and some buddies I know forever to mount attachments on. it’s just dumb af trying to get tiny screws/clamps and things through those skinny ass slots. but geez M lock barrel cover designs are always so eye appealing and comfortable for gripping when firing even if you don’t use/have any fore grips.

  7. I still use quad rail. Thats just because its what im used too. I think its practical and i still see the bulk of mounting is for it. sadly it does add the damn weight especially on a long hike. Not to say m-lock isn’t awesome. I would say m-lock is what beginner should get used too and become used to training with.

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