Home AR-15 Should You Form 1 Your AR-15 Pistol or Form 4 an SBR?...

Should You Form 1 Your AR-15 Pistol or Form 4 an SBR? (Pros & Cons)


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  1. I'll believe the shorter wait time when I see it. My first suppressor took a relatively short 6 months compared to current wait times. Looking for another one now and having a hard time choosing just 1. 😝

  2. If enough of us just defy the NFA they will have no choice other then repeal it. If everyone just decided we're not going to follow this law and there are millions of unregistered SBRs out there they can't put all of us in prison

  3. I’m not a NFA expert but if I’m not mistaken when you make an SBR off of a form 1 you also have to engrave a separate serial number on it. Just like you have to do if you make a silencer/ suppressor. If anyone has done it please correct me if I am wrong.

  4. The eFile system crashes all the time. For Form 1 and 4 make sure the Form 5320.1 and the 5320.23 is completed. Sign and scan them making sure each file is under 3 megabytes in size. If adding the firearm to your trust scan it making sure it’s under 3 megabytes in size also.

  5. I was a big back the blue guy up until red flag laws. I won't support any officer who will come and take my 2nd amendment right without due process. Same goes for my freedom of speech. Also, having seen what officers of the law will do to law abiding citizens just trying to make a living under unconstitutional mandates I no longer back the blue unless its for particular officers who recognize their job is to protect and uphold the constitution.

    I wish I could put a stock on my pistol build but not only is it a tax stamp but I believe it's also a registration. Not only is taxing a right unconstitutional, a gun registry is also unconstitutional. Abolish the NFA. While you're at it, abolish the ATF, the NSA, the FBI, the CIA and strip 95% of the power from the federal government. When rights become fees and penalties become fines then rights are for the financially superior and that is no longer a country of equal rights!

  6. Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives should be a nation wide chain of convenience stores.
    A suppressor is legal as long as you pay extortion fees to the government, same for SBRs and Full autos.
    So they are illegal until you pay money because of threats of imprisonment?

  7. I like the AR "pistol" because in Michigan I can roll fully loaded in my car/truck. My Mk-18 "pistol" with suppressor is kinda long, the laws are f,cking dumb I didn't make them and I'll follow them. Just my thought on it.

  8. The reason I do not want to ever buy a nfa item. It is the wait time for something so ridiculously simple. Machine guns I guess I can understand but the gun is far more uncontrollable

  9. As for now I don't plan on making any of my pistols an SBR… I don't see any reason to. Just got my first deer tag with my 350 Legend pistol (10.5") of the season about 3 days ago and I absolutely love it as is! I might add a paint job to it if I change anything. As for my 300AAC and .308, I don't see anything wrong with the pistol braces. Fun to shoot and also fun to hunt with.

  10. Unless I missed it, you did not cover the biggest advantage of doing a Form 1 on a pistol making it an SBR vs. buying a factory SBR. A Form 1 is currently running about a month to get processed/approved (I had one done in 2 weeks) whereas the stamp process for a factory SBR is 8-12 months +. If your end result is to have an SBR, it's a no brainer IMHO. I don't know why anyone would buy a factory SBR unless you had an SOT.  

    Keep up the great content and conversations Clint!!!

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