Home StreamLight EDC Flashlights Compared: Thrunite W1 vs. Olight I5R EOS vs. Fenix E09R...

EDC Flashlights Compared: Thrunite W1 vs. Olight I5R EOS vs. Fenix E09R vs. Streamlight MicroStream


Thank Cutlerylover for doing a different brands’ EDC flashlight comparison video.

This is everyday carry flashlights comparison video of ThruNite W1, Olight I5R EOS, Streamlight 66604 MicroStream and Fenix E09R. The video will compare several aspects of these brand’s EDC lights. So which one is the best EDC pocket light for you?

W1 Purchase Link below: 👇👇👇

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  1. As a Thrunite owner (the older NW torches in particular). To be fair, cannot compare these due to having different cells altogether. Cannot compare an AAA to an AA beam, let alone a 16340 powered one. Only thing one can, is relative size & price point.

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