Home AR-15 AR-15 – Forward Assist and What It's For

AR-15 – Forward Assist and What It's For


Everyone asks where I find AR-15 stuff in stock or where I order from, so here you are:

The forward assist is for forcing the bolt into battery which is required usually due to faulty ammunition. It is rarely used and some opt to use upper receivers that do not have them.
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  1. My roll pins may be out of spec or the wrong roll pins because it was a bitch to install them. You literally had to bang it with a regular heavy duty hammer and even then you really had to bang the living shit out of it. Is this normal?

  2. When i was in battle, as the gun was getting dirty, some rounds needed the use of the forward assist as opposed to trying to drop in a new round thinking that a round was defective causing an open battery. 99% people dont need it bc their ARs havent been through thousands of rounds or that their ARs are safe queens. I rather have my forward assist as opposed to not having it. It's not that complicated and not really much more in parts on the receiver.

  3. It can also be used to remove a case that has been ripped in half and is stuck in the chamber. Insert another round until it jams into the spit case with the help of the forward assist. Then extract the second case and the broken case will sometimes come out.

  4. It makes jams worse. I've verified this myself when poorly made ammunition blew a primer out of the case and into the keyway of the BCG. Attempting to use the forward assist jammed the bolt partially closed and had to be mortared open to remove the BCG and the primer.

  5. bro those are some nice ARs. very nice .i usually just give the gun a little smack with my palm from the top down and carrier just falls into play

  6. Actually with the AK (at least the akm I own) when the mag is empty the bolt will lock in the half way position. Now you know your empty. Reload, then pull the bolt back. It will then slam home. Do not slam the bolt forward. Half racks just don't happen on AKs. If they do your rifle is worn out. Or just defective like the AR.

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