Home AR-15 AR15 Pistol. Cheek/Jaw/Neck vs. Shoulder. NFA + Performance

AR15 Pistol. Cheek/Jaw/Neck vs. Shoulder. NFA + Performance

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  1. Lots of good points … any thoughts on feasibility of converting an AR pistol with brace to a cheek setup? If so, will such a retrofit avoid having to go there SBR route if the NFA gets their way with the American people? Thanks

  2. I just discovered the Fightlite SCR which is an AR pistol with a birdshead grip. Would love to hear your thoughts on the potential as that as a platform for cheeking. I think it would be a longer LOP than your cheek AR but the potential is there for similar maneuverability to your shotguns.

  3. I shoot my rifle with one hand and I brace my revolver pistol against my knee when I shoot it. Learned it from hickok45.
    Bro you're not gonna sell me on a RIDICULOUS idea like this one.
    The nfa no matter how bad they want to make shouldering a pistol illegal they can't get around the truth and logic of reality that is the misuse of something doesn't make it something it's not.
    And your shoulder isn't a stock either it's not a gun part

  4. The NFA was originally authored to ban hand guns. It was later deemed unconstitutional, but the feds appealed after the defendant was dead and won by default. The first NFA fees were not paid by an average citizen until 25 years after it became law.

  5. @Demonstrated Concepts LLC I noticed you have changed some parts on your AR pistol and birds-head shotgun setups since your earlier setup videos. I joined your Patreon because I though you might have a more detailed list on your updates but there wasn't for those firearms. Could you do a update video listing for Patreon on what you changed on your AR pistol and birds-head shotgun setups, along with a parts list for the 300 blackout upper option? Thanks.

  6. Thank you, have learned so much from your videos. Watched your set up video a year ago or so, took your advice. Flawless. Also the 590. Go to a few different ranges, Everyone always looks at the strike tube odd, then amazed. Give them your channel info. Originally was given your info from lucky gunner.

  7. Thank you for putting this info out. So for clarification…are you "twisting" the gun as it's mounted for control?

    Also…how do you intuitively activate your light with it set up like that.

    Again, thank you for your time.

  8. I saw a video from 704 Tactical in which he ran a buffer cheek AR-15 pistol that outperformed a stock AR-15 rifle. He repeated the test with a braced pistol vs the cheek pistol in which they scored about the same. If you like an AR-15 pistol you can practice using the cheek hold. It runs reliably and efficient without paying extra money for a Brace, a Stock or an SBR Tax stamp. Your new skills will save you money and who doesn't like learning new skills. Thanks for sharing.

  9. What do you think about using an AR grip with a 0 degree grip angle or even one with a negative grip angle, so that the bottom of the grip would be slightly forward from the top? It seems like it'd be a much more natural way to hold the gun with your arm locked all the way in. Do you think this would cause problems with pulling a milspec trigger?

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