Home AR-15 Man With an AR-15 in a Maserati Protests Rittenhouse Trial

Man With an AR-15 in a Maserati Protests Rittenhouse Trial


A man outside the Kyle Rittenhouse trial was spotted carrying an AR-15 rifle, just like the defendant did the night he killed two men during unrest in Kenosha. The man, who identified himself as “Maserati Mike,” was spoken to by sheriff’s deputies, who told him he could not protest with the rifle. After speaking with the officers, the man got into a Maserati and left. Some are concerned that jurors may feel intimidated by both the accused’s supporters and those calling for a guilty verdict.

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  1. Look at how they paint the Jacob Blake thug and the two dead ones as angels just like Fentanyl Floyd. They got exactly what they deserved. Lesson here is: don't walk through life thinking you're the toughest person around and can therefore fk with every and anyone, because sooner or later you'll meet your match.

  2. All jokes aside…Imagine the level of insecurity you must feel as a man to think walking around like this is doing something important….This is the least masculine most beta male thing you could do 😂😂…Damn this country is hopeless…Aren't you even a little embarrassed guys? I live in NYC since the 90s and the only time I ever thought about arming myself was when out of towners came in a blocked the bridge lol… This is clown stuff 🤡

  3. 3 white guys get shot, BLM movement gets triggered saying it was black people getting shot. BLM is just a group of looters to destroy buildings set them on fire. Steal as much as possible from hard working people. Kyle shot in self defense.

  4. The kid never should have been there in the first place had he stayed his dumb ass at home none of this would have happened. His mother aught to be ashamed for letting her child be caught up in this idiocy. That said the evidence presented makes a pretty clear case for self-defense.

  5. The Active Shooter!!
    Well there's a white kid, with a rifle…
    Livin' in a white neighborhood…
    He's got a Confederate flag running through his front yard…
    You know he's white privilege, got it so good…
    Ah but Ain't that America, you and me, Ain't that America. Home of the free, Ain't that America,something to see…
    Baby, home of the free….

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