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Palmetto State Armory is a company that receives a lot of hate and a lot of praise. I had a chance to review the PSA premium cold hammer forged kit. It had some reliability issues that were fixed. The quality control, accuracy, reliability, feel, and credit card theft will be discussed in this video.

This video shows semi-automatic and unmodified guns shown in a safe environment like a shooting range or a clear open area to not endanger bystanders or property owned by others.

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Reno May
2665 Santa Rosa Ave # 211
Santa Rosa, CA 95407

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  1. SO much bad information going on by Expert Internet Firearm Community. Too many red flags in this video. Trying to pack so much info 200mph doesnt make you sound smart. Smart people speak clear, concise a put the right emphasis where it matters. Astigmatism is not special and everyone has it to some degree. Stop trying to get cool guy points from it. Generally, what was the purpose of this video? Plenty of "better" rifles are just label slappers. On top of that, you Internet Operators popping targets at dip spitting John Wick distances need to cool your jets. Its a machine. And a rifle is not designed to be mag-dumped or rapid fire to the point that its smoking. LARP Responsibly.

  2. Maybe I've just been lucky so far. I've built 4 ARs from various psa uppers and parts kits without any issues beyond trying to afford the ammo to enjoy them as much as I'd like. They might not all be tack drivers, but as Reno says they're accurate enough for what they're meant to do.

  3. Herd good things about delton they around same price point? But stay away from cheap gun show 499 ars made with cheap china shit wish parts 😂 ps just looked delton has nice Chrome lined kit 485 shipped just add lower

  4. I have a high end POF that is the embodiment of what a Tier 1 AR should be. I also own several PSA AR rifles and pistols. What I’ve noticed across the board with PSA is that they do have a break in period. Roughly 200 -250 rounds plus a decent cleaning and generous amounts of oil after each use should do it. That’s assuming you didn’t get a complete lemon upper or BCG in the first place. After breaking in I’ve had no issues with my PSA ARs

  5. Had the exact same thing problem with a psa upper recently. I'm stubborn and and wanted to make sure I couldn't fix before I would send it back. I figured it had to be the bcg when I mixed and matched all the parts on different rifles/pistols. Took apart and reassembled and it got better. Did it about 3 or 4 times problem solved.

  6. Spoiler: if you assemble your ar15 bone dry no lube anywhere, you're gonna have a bad time.
    All those little detente and rotating parts.. just put a single drop of oil or grease on it. Helps with wear and tactile feel.

  7. Good informative video, I plan on getting a PSA AR 10 just to try it out and see how long it’ll last. The best thing about the AR platform is that you can swap parts out if shit fails so I’m excited to try it out.

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