#AhmaudArbery #AhmaudArberykilling #AhmaudArberyTrial #ABCNews
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#AhmaudArbery #AhmaudArberykilling #AhmaudArberyTrial #ABCNews
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These protests laws have to change ASAP!!! They are abusing their discretion and resulting to violence!!! Rittenhouse and all Americans have the right to defend ourselves against imminent danger
Not guilty! self defence against the insurgents. There was no law at the time of the insurgency last year. Law enforcement agencies were almost shut down, there was no respect for life, martial law and This is when ammendment comes handy!The whole country was in total terorrist caos. Not guilty!
This wasn’t self defense. He murdered two people. He was in no threat from either. This kid was stupid with a weapon and you can prosecute stupidity when it results in deaths. Lock him up.
Thomas Banger is doing his very best to show how evil Rittenhouse is, yet he keeps calling a CHILD RAPIST as Mr. Rosenbaum!!! Poor Mr. Rosenbaum.
The question I have is, Is it legal in the state of Wisconsin to use deadly force if you witness someone looting or burning a store that isn't yours?
No Evidence Ahmaud Arbery Was Jogging. Trial Judge Agrees.
Didn’t the judge threaten the prosecution lawyer with physical harm?
Actually, this shooting incident wouldn't have happened if the Democrats didn't DEFUND the police. Kyle wouldn't have been there helping protect businesses from being burned by the BLM rioters if the Police were NOT DEFUNDED by the Democrats!!!
At 6:32:00 mark Karen sneezes and the Prosecutor attorney calls her by her first name Karen. I wonder if Karen is on the Jury.. He knows her by first name basis? Hmmm
ABC you suck and you are bias. Shame on you're reporting
there's no such thing as a charge of "homicide" …. homicide only means someone died as the result of another human being….
war is homicide, the death penalty is homicide….
the charge is MURDER, meaning it was intended homicide
Racial justice protests? Bullshit!
The truth will set some people free and imprison others away for good. Our brother is serving a life sentence so the men responsible need to serve a

Kyle will be found innocent and then the real criminals will be out looting and burning and possibly killing again….
Thank God for people like Drew Hernandez
They should all get locked
up and throw away the keys.
Looks like those domestic terrorist thugs got what was coming to them. They have burned down their last business, FOREVER.
NOW THE GOVERNOR FINALLY DEPLOYS THE NATIONAL GAURD! If he did that during the RIOTS there would be no trial! No one needed to DIE for this GOVERNOR'S political sickness!
If these liberal media don’t wanna run what is actually happening I’m going to start a petition for all these conglomerates to be sued for defamation it’s clearly self defence I’d start reporting it
I cant even comprehend all this psychopaths defending a muderer its just disgusting and even sick saying that their god will protect him when clearly one of the rules its not killing. their god punish murderers unless they're talking about their new god the golden pig trump a god with no morality or decency.
This prosecutor makes oj prosecutor marcia clark look like a genius
The judge is getting threats. Will the FBI be investigation that?
Good riddens to those who attwcked the wrong guy!
#NOTGUILTY A convicted child rapist called Joseph Rosenbaum was released from a mental hospital, then went directly to join the mob that was burning downtown Kenosha. Once he got to the riot, Rosenbaum saw Kyle Rittenhouse and immediately threatened to kill him. Rosenbaum then chased Rittenhouse and tried to pull the gun from his hands. When he did that, Kyle Rittenhouse shot him.
I want at least the Shooter to get the Death Penalty!!! Georgia has executed SO MANY African-Americans. Seems like it'll be the only way that the insane Old White Boys can get a wake-up call that their racist violence is no longer acceptable in Georgia. Also, executing one or more violent Georgia bigots may encourage the even the non-Neanderthals to support end of GA death penalty. In the 1970s, I was falsely arrested with several others (booked, finger printed & released quickly when attorney showed up) for protesting Georgia's Death Penalty, & I still oppose it, but this case is exceptional. No class of people should feel free/entitled to hunt down and execute a Black man because of their own wicked egoistic bigotry. I can think of no way to muzzle their violent hatred & contempt for human life but the example of the shooter's execution.
If the races were reversed, white victim, 3 black felony murderers, of course the death penalty would be enforced on the 3.
I want to live in country in which kyle is a hero and kaepernick is a despised communist
Aaaaand I just realized the ark of the covenant I just opened by typing a comment on a news article….great this is going to be fun…
When will we grow up and stop acting like we hate each other? This is getting stupid. How about this if you kill people, you are bad. That’s it. Sure you can look deeper if you want but at the end of the day, he killed someone. I feel trying to justify a murder says a lot about you as a person. This nation has laws for a reason, to give you a fair trial. If he wanted to seek justice why didn’t he join the police force? I frankly don’t feel sorry for anyone here, I feel sorry for the human lives lost. And I hope we can put the politics aside and least try him for MURDER of the first degree. Self defense or not.
God bless you Kyle
Take note of which propaganda operations are siding with looters, serial rapists, domestic abusers and arsonists against a good person like KR. Anyone who still hasn't watched the video of these events to the extent that they don't even know that is what they're doing are just horribly pathetic. You are all very bad at being people and you should feel bad. But the people who know it was self defense because it was obviously self defense and are still lying about this event and slandering Kyle Rittenhouse, you are demonic satanists who should be drowned in puddles. Slowly. In fact slowly while atonal bagpipes are being played to commemorate your utter worthlessness to society.
This case should just be called when your white and a murderer in the
US, love watching white priveledge at work amazing justice dissapears he
drove over 20 miles from another state with an assault rifle which is
illegal and a federal felony alone he had an assault rifle in state of
Wisconsin he was only 17 thats illegal loaded its premeditated planned
and brought the gun from another state it didn't happen to his neighbor
or on his street its clear and easy, just pretend hes black and drove 20
miles with an assault rifle and killed white people even if the black
person got jumped hes going straight to prison , shows intent to kill
just bringing a weapon like that from another state and you get
enhancments for each bullet in gun in court. Man to Be WHITE IN AMERICA
oh something must of went wrong hes a good person hes white not in his
character complete bs he just realizes now he blew it, its not fun or
cute anymore
The AR-15 was not brought across state lines, it was stored in a gun safe in Wisconsin.
This channel talking nonsense!!
Are you with 17 with a gun do you know any people get locked up for possession not even using if that's not racism then I don't know what it is I pray to God Ahmad Arbury family gets Justice
Death Wish 6
You have my love and respect arbery family it just sucks these fake tough guys have to have a weapon without that weapons do the meatloaf without people supporting them and backing them up their week this is an attack on our people not saying your son will go down that pathetic rabbit-hole but if he was to do that this trial would have been over with hours ago and we would have seen the jury and the judge wouldn't be so calm collected and joyful I'm telling you this racist s*** is got to stop the cover-ups have to stop the downplay has to stop
can you guys please stop spreading false information thanks bye
Kyle put out fires, gave first aid, and protected businesses and people. Give this man a medal and a STATUE.
Get your heart right with God,don't judge.Rittenhour.