Home AR-15 How to paint your AR-15

How to paint your AR-15


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  1. "To have more of a disruptive pattern to ensure that you're not seen by your mom when she needs to pick you up at the end of an airsoft game."

    You are so sexy when you are funny.

  2. To the few of you guys saying that he should do a "flannel" pattern on the next rifle, it never ceases to amaze me how many crayon-eaters and keyboard commandos don't know that "flannel" isn't a printed pattern and that it's actually the type of fabric used for the shirt. The word you guys are looking for to describe the pattern you see on alot of flannel shirts is "plaid" (pronounced PLAD). It's used on lighter button-up dress shirts made of cotton as well. Plus, I also think "Plaiddy" has a catchier ring to it than "Flannel Daddy" Fight me…

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