Home CMMG The CMMG Banshee MK57

The CMMG Banshee MK57


Magpul Mbus Generation Ii Backup Sights Front/Rear Set
Foam Rifle and Pistol Rest
Efect Military Tool
Armorer’s Manual

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  1. with the CMMG banshee, are the internals similar enough to a standard ar15 where i can substitute a left side ejecting/right side charging(gibbz arms) upper? i like the manual of arms of this upper and trying to get all my ARs with the same upper, just wish they were 330/apiece lol.

  2. There's a lot of gas coming out of the ejection port when you shoot suppressed. Tell you what though – you have sold me on the radial delayed blowback design.

  3. Thanks for what's again a top rate presentation ! What's your opinion on using this delayed blowback system with the .30 Carbine cartridge in a PCC set-up or in a pistol like this one ? Is that cartridge suited as a personal defense round you think ?

  4. Well that's just plain interesting! I personally would never buy this particular item, well that's a lie I would if I were very very wealthy, but you know what I mean, but these technical details are fascinating.

  5. I enjoyed this interesting and informative video. That said, the barrel is way too short IMO (a 5" barrel is ok for the 9x19mm and .45 ACP pistol rounds but ludicrous for the 5.7x28mm round). The barrel should be around 10.5" like the P90 and MK18. I would much prefer a Banshee chambered for the 9x25mm Dillon round (10.5" barrel) that used Glock 20 mags.

  6. Problem with 5.7×28 is its not that much better terminally than .22 magnum. Even out of a 7.5 inch barrel 5.56x45mm AR15 you are getting far better terminal effectiveness than you would with 5.7×28 out of a 16 inch PS-90 rifle. I think this was obvious for militaries around the world which is why why 5.7×28 never really caught on.

  7. Ok, so straight up lie. The firearms produced by FN in 5.7X28 were not cheap, but I've never seen a PS90 of the FN5.7 for $2,000.00, like I said they're not cheap, but not over $2,000.00. My FN5.7 was $1250.00…

  8. The blowback system and a bottleneck cartridge are not a good combination as the shoulder gets pushed pretty far forward and is very noticeable to the naked eye. Just curious if the radial delayed blowback improves that situation.

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