Shooting the M&P 15 Sport a bit more at the Chapter 2 range. While we had this rifle, we wanted to give it every opportunity to show itself either worthy or unworthy.
Original M&P 15 Video:
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I went to the store and brought my AR 15 on watching Hickok 45 Because the man is honesty about the opinion of a particular gun
I'm going to buy the sport 2 tomorrow. Awesome
That humidity looks very uncomfortable…. reminds me of south Texas..
My hero
Just took mine to the range for the first time yesterday. Took some time to get it moving as the first rounds of the mags (factory and hexmags) were not loading and then the bolt was not closing all the way and I had to use the forward assist to get it closed. Once I got it to fire all went smoothly after that. Nice grouping at 50yrds with iron sights.
I love this man
Pretty good rifle
Love watching your videos you have helped me many of time's in making my decision on the fire arm that has the best bang for the buck
Will your ears start to hurt if you shoot without ear protection ? Plz answer ppl
Even though it’s regarded as a “beginner rifle” there is absolutely nothing amaterish about its performance. Shoots straight as a laser right out of the box, simple and intuitive to use, plenty of power, plenty of customization options, and honestly just as capable as any other AR out there.
This AR is very popular in France, because of the price (990€ fors us) thank S&W! I love my mp15 sport 2
New to shooting but I heard that you are 6'8" so.I.can related being 6'7". Good video…just got sport II
I can be all day watching him shoot..

What kind of ammo do you like partner?
I read it is NYS legal and I am thinking of getting it.
Just something about open sights makes it feel like your one with your rifle. Also known as battle sights thats a sweet rifle cant wait to get one.
White paint on the front sight! Hickok you saved me! That is exactly what I need!
They like $700 in Colorado.
I got the m&p 15 sport 2…is a great rifle. ..entry level my ass wats the difference just a bunch of magpull shit on it and it cost 1300 is all cosmetic…this gun shoots great and is reliable…go pay 1500 hundred for urs i got mines for 700 and i love it
After watching the 230 yards slugs target I’m convinced you’re a cyborg
I wish I had him as my grandfather……or uncle………or even father
Just bought one for less than $500 and it comes with a grip, I'm so excited for the rifle to come in, gonna be the LONGEST week I've ever waited for!
Eh, how big is Mr Hickok 45? Why this AR looks like a tiny toy in his hands.
God Bless America! God Bless the AR15 ! God Bless the right to keep and bare arms!

If you are a law abiding citizen of America, ( and not a convicted felon) go out and buy an AR 15 while you still can! Don’t listen to these anti- gun liberal snowflakes! It’s your right ( right now) ! It possibly won’t be for too much longer. This gun is not evil, it’s not a machine gun like the idiots want you to believe. It’s not going to destroy America, the idiots that are trying to make it out to be bad and evil are the the evil ones that will destroy America. 

Hell with the rifle you should have used your Model 29.
I made 3.6k
There's just something so solid and trustworthy about Hickok. No false airs about him and very credible.
If the barrel is stamped 223/556 does that mean I can fire the 556 round?
5:02 it gets real O.O
When you shooting those red plates ,how far are those ??

Thank you sir more power to you !!
Nice shooting sir!!
hickok45 videos are my favorite to watch . Helpful when shopping for my next firearm.
This guy is great! Fantastic shot
He Hickok we need a chapter 2 on the sport 2:)
An AR15 is a Ladies Rifle, Men want an AR10
It's a damn good rifle, I've raised some hell with it in the past!
I want this rifle so bad, but I live in Canada and it's restricted… but the funny thing is you can buy much more deadly semi auto rifles that are NOT restricted. But they just cost 2-4 grand.