Home CMMG CMMG Banshee 10mm!

CMMG Banshee 10mm!


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  1. This is what I mean when I tell folks that 45acp, 9mm, 40 s&w, 22lr are a waste in pistol carbines. 50AE, 500/460 s&w, 45 winmag, 480 Ruger, 460 row are the way to go. I mean could you imagine 475 wildey in an sbr/pistol carbine? Damn!

  2. Please I know this may take 5 mins to read for some less for many others. But I put my heart soul and whole emotions of what I have on the inside and really think if enough really read and get past some grammatical mistakes but get the utter meaning of it maybe we can change peoples minds and get these BAD POLITICIANS OUT AN REALLY MAKE AMERICA GREAT, I am not going to say again as it still is the best place ever to live (FOR NOW). But if we dont open up and start showing and making calls and really getting to them in personal ways it might continue to be the greatest. And time is of essence as you see how quickly they are moving to take take take. we need to be faster to undo those takings and get them out and it is going to take so so many of us getting out of our comfort zone and going to capitols making calls making meeting and showing we are not to be pushed around we have a LIVING DOCUMENT THE CONSTITUTION and it was not just written to say they thought these things BUT THAT THEY WROTE DOWN WHAT COMES WITH LIFE WHEN GIVEN TO US BY GOD!!!! You know all this shot show stuff is usually cool to see what might be coming out and all. BUT WITH A FRONT LINE FIGHT ALMOST HAPPENING IN VIRGINIA AND THE CORRUPTION AND MAKING UP TOTALLY ILLEGAL LAWS "FOR CITIZENS!!!!) AND TRYING TO DECLARE STATES OF EMERGENCY SO LAW ABIDING EVEN CARRY PERMIT HOLDERS WOULDN'T BE ALLOWED IN THE CITY WITH ANY FIREARMS WHICH BREAKS CONSTITUTION OF USA, THE CONSTITUTION OF VIRGINIA< AND ANOTHER LAW PUT ON THE BOOKS IN 2012 THAT PEOPLE MAY ASSEMBLE THERE AND HAVE FIREARMS!!!!!!! AND ALL YOU GUYS ARE ALL SAYING WELL WE BOUGHT PLANE TICKETS AND SET SCHEDULES TO MEET THIS COMPANY AND THAT COMPANY AND YOU ARE DOING IT CAUSE IT IS FUN (and I get that, but this is not the time!!!!!!!!!!!) WITH SO MUCH OF A POWDER BOXES AND TINDER ALL OVER IN VA AROUND THIS LAWFUL MEETING AND ASSEMBLY IN VA AND REGULAR PEOPLE LIKE YOU OR I OR OUR FAMILIES ARE GETTING STOMPED ON. THESE LAWS THEY PUT FORTH ONCE MADE LAWS AND THEY WILL IF AS MANY AS POSSIBLE AROUND THE COUNTRY THAT WILL AND I MEAN WILL MAKE ANYTHING YOU SEE AT SHOT SHOW TOTALLY JUNK FOR THE US MARKET IF THESE GUN GRABBERS GET TO DO TO VIRGINIA THE WAY THEY HAVE IT PLANNED!!!!! THIS IS A DIAGRAM OF HOW THE DEM"S WILL PROCEED ON AND ON STATE TO STATE BANNING AND TAKING FREELY (NO GRANDFATHERING IN AND IF THE DO IT WILL BE VIA REGISTRATION AND THEN MAPS DRAWN TO WHERE TO GO TO GET THOSE LAW ABIDING CITIZENS, NO MONEY PAID AND SO ANOTHER CONSTITUTIONAL LAW THAT WILL BE TRAMPLED ON WHEN THE TAKE AND DON'T EVEN PAY FOR WHAT THEY TAKE!!! MEANING PEOPLE WHO HAVE THOUSANDS TO HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OR MORE ON COLLECTIONS WILL BE STRIPPED AND NOT REIMBURSED), or if the do they wont pay fair market value they will say this is just an old WWI WWII rifle or whatever or first of something or sentimental value wont matter they might give you a crisp 5 to 10 dollar for in their eyes (even they know the truth and will keep and sell later quietly to foreign land likely our enemies for what they really know what they are worth! king so and so and prince blah blah oil rich from killing people to get at that blood oil and money means nothing as it is unlimited)! THESE POS DEMS, and any GUN GRABBER INSTITUTES will use that money to support, along with Bloomberg to buy elections all around the country as the poor as hard up as they are will take $5, $10, to $20 right now not thinking they are doing bad as they don't know the big picture, and these shit eating DEMS almost every one know this and will buy those votes turning states by states. Moving these people to where they see them needed the most to flip the important Counties, or Cities, Parishes to guaranty they get the results they want they have been studying the maps and turnouts and who and where need to be changed. They are the ones playing chess, NOT THIS 4D CHESS BS GAME PEOPLE THINK TRUMP AND NRA ARE PLAYING???? PEOPLE NEED TO WISE UP (WE ARE GETTING LAZY AND LAX AND THEY ARE USING OUR FALSE SENSE OF SECURITY AND HAVE HOPED AND PLANNED ON IT!!!! THEY ARE AND HAVE BEEN ON THE BATTLE FIELD READING IT IN A WAY WE NEVER THOUGHT TO AND WE HAVE TO AND WE NEED TO GET ONTO THEIR LEVEL AND IT WAS YEARS AGO SO WE ARE WAY BEHIND!!!!!!!) SHOT SHOW IS IS GOING TO BE NOTHING BUT A PREVIEW OF WHAT WE COULD HAVE HAD, BUT NOW NEED TO LOOK AT IT AS THE ITEMS THAT WILL BE USED AGAINST US, IF WE DON'T WISE UP, SCREW GOING TO SEE THINGS THAT ARE NEW AND INVENTIVE AND HANGING OUT WITH FRIENDS, BUT IT IS JUST A FUTURE MUSEUM OF THE THINGS THAT WILL BE USED TO TAKE OUR OWN FREEDOM FROM US IF WE DON'T WISE UP AND START SHOWING UP IN MASSIVE NUMBERS THESE PEOPLE HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE AND SEE THE MILITARY ARE MEN AND WOMEN THAT ARE YOU, ME, OUR NEIGHBORS AND FRIENDS AND FAMILY!!!! IF THE TAKE THE OATH THEY TOOK ALONG WITH ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT AND HOLD TRUE TO THAT OATH (one of the most important things they have done in their lives and keep it written down and look at it EVERY DAY! AND KEEP IT IN A POCKET CLOSE TO GET TO AND READ ABOUT ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC (and that doesn't mean the people but those giving orders that go completely against al of WHAT THIS COUNTRY WAS FOUND ON AND STOOD STRONG ON FOR SO LONG!! TIL THESE DAYS WHEN PEOPLE VOTED IN TO REPRESENT THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE AND NOT SELF SERVE THEIR PERSONAL THOUGHTS AND BELIEFS (so they can get on the god side of those with the majority of the MONEY!!!! AS THEY WILL HAVE THE RIGHT TO KEEP THEIR OWN FIREARMS AND HAVE PERSONAL SECURITY (cause the have some weird belief the were elected and instead of being bottom of the totem pole as SERVANTS, TO US THE PEOPLE… THEY THINK THEY GET HOISTED TO THE TOP OF THAT POLE AND WE ARE THE SERVANTS TO TO THEM) (just shaking my head in disbelief on how this system has become so backwards)! This rant has gone on enough I guess, and I am no grammar major, or one to know how to properly construct correct paragraphs, or use punctuation correctly all the time, and spell checker sure has been a great friend to in writing this. I want to let it be known that I am not calling for a revolution or hurt being done, as of yet. It may be close in many peoples eyes or past. And in some cases through history I have seen political criminals with all their dirt swept away when they have pure and total truth that many of these politicians have done enough to easily be made to a winning case of treason and they should have been put to the fullest extent of punishment of treason which is death. But instead they get treated with respect from the CNN and CSNBC news networks and treat them with respect and those treason doing politicians get to go off free as a bird off to make millions and billions still while doing corrupt shady dealings with countries that if you or I was to do we would be mad an example of and be dead or a rough solitary life til death. And so much of these affairs were hidden to the people while they tried to make criminals of AMERICAN HERO"S and try to say they did wrong during times of war to enemies who were out to kill as many AMERICAN HERO'S as any who went and served outside the "wire" or those protecting these within the "wire" are ALL HEROES even those who were way way back and out of countries where the fighting took place are 100 percent true HEROES if it be in a hospital setting saving the lives of those who were wounded to those who never slept and listened to chatter and worked computers to find the WORSE or the WORSE and were able to keep track on them and get those on the ground and lead them right to those high value targets. But I thank any and all who has ever served and did it to help see others have the lives we have and so many dont realize how great THIS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TRULY IS< THAT IS TI ONES WHO EVEN SERVED WANT TO GET RID OF THE FOUNDING FATHERS WANTS AND THINK THAT WAS WRITTEN FOR THE TIME AND IS OUTDATED, WHEN TAT IS FURTHERS FROM THE TRUTH THEY KNEW WE WERE AND WOULD BE A GROWING NATION AND SAW THE POWER THAT CITIZENS WOULD NEED TO KEEP OUR GOVERNMENT IN FEAR OF THE PEOPLE AND THAT WOULD KEEP THE GOVERNMENT ON THE UP AND UP. BUT UNFORTUNATELY THE GOVERNMENT HAS MADE SO MANY RULES THAT THE FEEL THE ARE ABOVE THE LAW AN ANYONE WHO CHALLENGES THAT IS A THREAT AND MUST BE TOSSED AWAY FOREVER> ALL UNITED STATES CITIZENS NEED TO REALIZE IF THEY WERE NOT SCARED OF US AND KNOW WE HAVE THE POWER TO GET OUR GOVERNMENT IN CHECK AND GET RID OF THE CORRUPTION AND ALL THE OUTSIDERS FUNNELING MONEY IN TO BUY "THEIR WAY!", AND SO MUCH MORE ILL DOINGS> LIKE OBAMA SUPPLYING CARTELS WITH SOME OF THE TOP OF THE LINE WEAPONS! AND HAS BEEN PROVEN THOSE WEAPONS HAVE BEEN USED TO KILL US SPECIAL TEAMS HELPING IN MEXICO TO HELP CLEAN UP! Had one regular man or woman done the same they would never see light of day again to die in a prison or be killed by our government via death sentence and then they would use that as proof for MORE GUN CONTROL!!! just messed up and ONLY US WE THE PEOPLE CAN CHANGE THIS GOING ROUGE GOVERNMENT, HOPEFULLY BY JUST SHEER NUMBER OF SOUND MINDED PEOPLE DEMANDING THE CONSTITUTION IS LAW OF LAND AND NO AMOUNT OF BULLSHIT YOU TOSS OUR WAY WILL EVER MAKE YOUR WAY RIGHT OR HONESTLY LEGAL!!!, yeah you might get some words you like onto a legal document but it will always be null and void as it goes against the true LAW OF THE LAND the BILL OF RIGHTS AND THE CONSTITUTION!

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