Breaking in my Glock 45 with some completion reps….
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Get A Mantis:

Breaking in my Glock 45 with some completion reps….
Get Virtual Or Face-2-Face Training
I Run And Gun Apparel
Get A Mantis:
Hello sir! I am wondering if you need that pin that’s in the grip for a glock to function? I lost mine.
Good Job. Keep shinning.
This was an excellent competition video man.
I just started following your videos, nice job, I have been trying to decide between getting a glock 17 or a 45,I would appreciate your thoughts on this when you have time, thanks.
This one made me dig into
The rules a bit. (And also I’m going to start packing a zip tie to check for a squid Load from the chamber forward). Did you get a reshoot since technically the RO was first one to say stop and there was no blockage of the barrel?
Glad you caught it bro!!!! I had a squib to happen to me during a class a few months back!!!!!
Great shots (good call the last one). I love the content of the channel. New subscriber.
Always heard of squibs never saw one. Thankfully you caught it. Yikes.
What happened at the end? Was it the ammo??
Nice shooting brotha
I EDC a Glock 43X MOS with a TLR7 SUB a Holosun 507K X2 a magwell and good grips it’s literally a smaller version of your G45