Home AR-15 New ATF Pistol Brace Rules and point system

New ATF Pistol Brace Rules and point system


Is my AR15 Pistol Legal? What about a high score?
Submit your comment to the Justice Department regarding the proposed Brace rules here:

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  1. Lol don't tell me you're complying with this. Besides it doesn't matter what you think it is, it only matters what they think it is. But by now it been rejected anyway so it's a discussion for another time I suppose, when they decide to try something like this again.

  2. All correct information and well presented. I went with the form-1 with my Colt Commando clone. It scored big points too with the same blade arm brace.

  3. What a bunch of horseshit. Abolish these clowns 🤡. Buy your shit private party on armslist and at gun shows so no one knows what you've got. It's none of the govts business what guns you own

  4. "Registered" and you are not worried – that is exactly why you should worry when "they" know where you live and what firearm you have – that sounds like a real good way to get "corn-holed"

  5. Basically, this list will make 99/100 pistols out there "SBRs". Dumbest thing I've ever seen. It's their way of banning AR pistols without just coming out and saying they're banning AR pistols. Abolish the ATF.

  6. Great video brother! Hey I got a friend who is wanting to purchase a 5 ton or deuce and a half. Where can I tell him to look or go? Thanks, I'm retarded…your military, you'll get it!

  7. You should review the requirements for a strap in more detail. Also remember that the ATF says that whether a firearm seems legal under the checklist doesn't matter. They can still decide it is a SBR, just because they say so.

  8. can you use the same trust for short barrel rifle and silencers? is it faster to have a trust set up prior to applying? Thanks for the videos you have a nice niche in the market. Just wish we could get a site that was gun friendly

  9. talk about your horse chasing the carrot. Totally arbitrary! Everything describes in there is left up to opinion and interpretation. 5 Rd mag or 30 Rd mag😂. To hell with that, tyranny at its core. The Constitution reaffirms my right to own whatever the hell I want to own and if they don't like it as the old saying goes coming take it!

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