Home Nikon The Bizarre LEAD RIBBON Slug – We test it!

The Bizarre LEAD RIBBON Slug – We test it!


This idea came from a viewer who goes by the name of Sopwith Cameltoe but I wasn’t given too many suggestions of HOW to pull it off. Using a sheet of very thin and soft lead sheeting, we created some of the strangest-acting slugs we’ve ever tested.

OG’s Danger Show:

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  1. This has to be the silliest demonstration by grown men . 1. shooting lead ribbon, asinine. 2. shooting gummy bear projectiles, utterly bemused, conducted by 2 odious dolts with a bizarre sense of reality.

  2. So let's think home defense here. Since there are no home defense situations where you're shooting at a target 30 feet away, and since the misses at 30 feet were in the vicinity of 3-5 inches, the accuracy should be fine for home defense. And that unfurling lead ribbon would be quite lethal.

  3. You know lead is the reason why WWE never made to be popular in Europe? Lead is literally one of the major causes for disabilities among children and simply speaking is the reason the "retards" and under developed are born & created every year in the U.S.
    To human body lead is just like calcium, the body does not differentiate the two,anything lead touches in the human body is destroyed for ever, every cell.
    The United States is the last nation where lead gasoline was still present among developed nations around the world and so as the lead based paint and everything else.
    The soil is polluted with lead so much that it will take infinite amount of time to clean this off because lead is a basic element and is among the most toxic elements on the periodic table and you touch it with your hands, you inhale its dust etc.
    Scientifically speaking you are turning yourself into another mentally sick individual so as any young ones you are arround because it takes micro size particles to enter a child's system.
    Unless you dont believe in science or dont believe me I can give you a phone number of a national lead certified official that can clear your mind if you still got any cells left lol to hear what lead is.

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