Home StreamLight Momentary vs. Constant | PL-350 | X300U | TLR1-HL | TLR-9

Momentary vs. Constant | PL-350 | X300U | TLR1-HL | TLR-9


In today’s video we took a lot of time and effort to put together a training day where we showcase some of the most popular handgun weapon lights on the market and their controls.

We also explore the heated debate of momentary vs constant only in regards to handgun weapon light activation. We hope you enjoy the video and take the time to give your feedback. Thanks as always for watching and your support!

Werkz Holster PL-350 Video:

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  1. Roger since you're a fan of the Staccato P with the stackport modification you should do a comparison vid with the Zev hyper comp. Would like to see your thoughts comparing both since both barrel port designs look very similar 💨🎯

  2. I appreciate mod light making pistol lights but it does show that it needs some updating compared to other lights usability. The candela and lumens is great tho. But I think I’ll wait. Until then, I’m gonna look into getting the TLR-9. Great video. Thank you.

  3. Great video. I own a few Surefires and they’ve been good to me. I’d like to try the Modlite but I’ll give them some time to adjust to consumer demand before I do.

  4. Would the tlr9 possibly work with a qvo holster made for a tlr1? I wish I would have seen this before buying a light and a holster to go with it because definitely would have went with the 9 instead. Thanks for the video this was really helpful!

  5. Shouldn't something with a name short for modular offer switch options? If you want a constant on only then select that switch option. If you want both then select that. Or if you just want momentary switches have that as an option as well. Seems like they missed the bus on that one.

  6. Haha it is amazing the amount of people and “content creators” who talked this thing up like nothing else!!! Lol it’s been comical hearing the nonstop “it’s amazing” even tho it’s not haha like Werkz said, it’s a nice light but this and the tiny Surefire light are both not as advertised and actually a joke compared to what we have now. Don’t forget Roger the mod light only last 30 mins or less 😉👍🏼 I’ll stick with the TLR HL or the 9. Thanks man

  7. Have to admit I really enjoy the momentary function on my X300. Love the power on the new mod lite and from everything I’ve seen, it’s a training issue. I think going rechargeable is super attractive but changing up my systems for all new holster compatibility is a big investment. Not sure when I will be able to take the plunge but really appreciate this video.

  8. Awesome video and I really do appreciate how the controls is a very important aspect of a weapon light, not just the performance of the light based on certain statistics. What camera system were you running to get the POV video? Is that integrated into the glasses?

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