Home AR-15 Top 5 Ambidextrous AR-15s

Top 5 Ambidextrous AR-15s


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0:00 The Top 5 Ambidextrous AR-15s
0:24 Full Ambi AR-15s
1:37 #5 ADM UIC Mod2 AR-15 Rifle
2:44 #4 LMT MARS-L AR-15 & MARS-H AR-10
4:13 #3 POF Revolution AR-10 Rifle
5:54 #2 LWRCI IC-A5 Piston & IC-DI AR-15 Rifles
7:17 #1 Radian Model 1 AR-15 Rifle
10:35 Win the POF P415!

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Intro Song: “Issa Trap” by Mikey Geiger

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  1. All great choices. I think Radian are doing great things and their bolt catch is pretty nice however I think if there's going to be a "mil-spec" for a full ambi ar lower it would be LWRC implementation. I thinks it's spot on and has been the most comfortable and intuitive of all the ambi lowers I've had the opportunity to put my hands on and I'm not just saying that because I'm a fan of LWRC.

  2. I am a bit of an odd duck. I am right handed, but I am left eye dominant with 20/20 vision in my left eye, with nearsightedness and astigmatism in my right eye. Handguns are easy, but rifles I have to shoot left handed because when I try to ADS on my right side, I can't see anything

  3. Can we get a Top 5 Piston Ar's video? I've searched and didn't find anything, but there are a multitude of piston uppers and full guns, but I imagine you guys have shot just about all of them.

    I'm looking to get a rifle sometime soon, and so far I'm leaning towards a piston ar, both because of cost and reliability.

    Ps. or if anyone in the comments could drop a couple suggestions, that would be fine too. I'm trying to stay below $1200 for the whole rifle, understanding that the upper will be a majority of the cost.

  4. My sr15 upper lives on a radian adac lower 👌 also have a uic reciever set for one of my builds. Love them both. On my standard lowers, i use the pqd bolt catch/release with an arms unlimited ambi mag release.

  5. Because of an Eye issue, I have to shoot rifle left handed. Fully ambi AR has continually attracted me except for the $$ needed to buy one. So I have an AK- and I love it. Thank you Krebs Custom for making an awesome ambi safety catch for the AKM platform. Ambi AR from the factory? POF- hands down. I just can't justify the $$. Time to build one.

  6. I am a right handed shooter, but I love my LWRCI ambi lower. I currently swap my CMMG 22LR 4.5" barreled upper with my Daniel Defense DDM4 PDW for the affordable plinking, but I have been tempted to just register my LWRCI as an SBR so I can just swap all my uppers with the LWRCI lower. I have also been considering just buying a stripped ambi lower, but there are not a lot of options. I have been looking at the Radian ADAC lower, but I am also interested in the Fortis Manufacturing License Gen II Stripped Billet Ambidextrous AR-15 Lower Receiver. Unfortunately, the few options on the market always seem to be sold out, which should be a strong indicator manufacturers should start adding these to their catalogs.

  7. I just run a Phase 5 Weapons System EBR V2 or 3 on every AR15 I own so you can catch and release the bolt with your trigger finger… That said I only use it to lock the bolt back to aid in working through malfunction I still drop the bolt with my left thumb when inserting the mag.

  8. 10:10 I'm lefty, but use a "regular" style lower outfitted with Forward Controls Designs' ambi replacement parts (except for a right side bolt catch/release; specialty part and really not needed IMO). I did originally learn on a fully stock, right-handed rifle, though.

    If I were to buy an ambi lower/rifle, it'd be the LMT MARS-L. That thing is sexy! HK416 vibes, but ambi and actually available to civilians (normally; OOS right now).

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