Home AR-15 Trauma surgeon gives insight into treating injuries from AR-15 style weapons

Trauma surgeon gives insight into treating injuries from AR-15 style weapons


“When the velocity of the bullet is much, much faster, it causes a lot more tissue damage.”


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  1. How about shot gun slug or 357 magnum ar 15 looks scary beto supporters. No shit Sherlock it is gun what do you expect is going to happen. It is crystal clear that you are guys are pursuing agenda to disarm law abiding citizens because of criminal but in the same you idolize criminals and lawlessness. People are driving drunk and kill people with cars with much higher energy than a bullet should we ban cars or alcohol.

  2. The sad part is that only people with knowledge of ballistics will see the errors in the good doc's logic. Everyone else will think he is correct simply because he is a doctor.

  3. 5.56 and other rifle cartridges were might to penetrate armor, unlike hollow bullets which were meant to destroy tissue. The only thing that doctor has right was that 5.56 has greater velocity. Doctors are expert on health not guns.

  4. Officer Garret lost both his kidneys and pancreas and gallbladder I think he is now on organ recipient list waiting for a kidney so he doesn't have to do dialysis every day all day long. And he deserves a life saving organ. He put himself out there to serve his community. He and his buddies deserved better than what that coward did to them. He shot them from behind when they were in the dark of night questioning a male about a robbery attempt or a robbery and they all 3 were shot from behind. The shooter will get caught a d he will face the piper
    It might take a while or he could get arrested tomorrow. But everyone please continue to pay for the officer who was shot in the foot and leg and officer Garrett who was shot in the neck and back 3 times. His wife was in a interview on a Texas channel ( I'm in northern California) talking about his injuries and how scared she is. Big prayers for all law enforcement in Texas and all across our nation. Texas for the last 9 months beginning of the year has had many officers shot or murdered and it's like a weed it just keeps coming and it's not fair. So prayers for these officers. We gotta take our streets back and show the suspects they can go burn in hell. ❤️🤟🛐✝️🙏🤲🤟 Love sent from my family here in northern California I've never been to Texas but I got love for y'all 💞

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