Home CMMG Building Your Carbine Kit | Sheepdog Response

Building Your Carbine Kit | Sheepdog Response


Tools are important but training is far more important. With that out of the way, let’s talk about building your Carbine kit.

Taken from our Carbine Level 1 Virtual Course available at SheepdogResponse.com Snag it for yourself or a Christmas gift!

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About Sheepdog Response:

Sheepdog Response was founded by Green Beret, Special Forces, Sniper, and former top 5 UFC Middleweight, Tim Kennedy. Tim was also the co-star of Hunting Hitler on the History Channel, and more recently, Hard To Kill, on the Discovery Channel.

People face threats of violence every day, ranging from large-scale terrorism to one-on-one assaults. Most people are unprepared, unequipped, and untrained to respond effectively. This weakness in the flock allows the wolves to attack with great ease and success.

The answer is not more laws. The wolves don’t follow them. We must give the good guys the tools they need to effectively respond to violence. The more Sheepdogs we can train to be truly ready to respond to a mass shooting, terrorist attack, violent mugging or home invasion, the better the chances are that the bad guys will get what they deserve and the good guys will survive. Most people sign up for martial arts or weapons training expecting to learn realistic self-defense, and few get it…

We have developed a curriculum that addresses the skills you need to successfully respond to threats

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  1. One or two videos at the most, from 15 years ago. And all this information was in those two vids. 15 years later, what are the new pieces of advice and overly inflated egotistical lectures? The same exact sh!t!!! It's a frikin broken record… The reality of things is people just click on these videos just to look at the gun porn, maybe, just maybe to absorb a comment here and there. But mainly the gun porn. Think I'm wrong? Ask yourself – truly – what really attracted you to this video. Was it the title or was it the rifle? Hmm?

  2. Also Tim Kennedy: “If you’re under 21, you shouldn’t be able to own a rifle if you can’t own a pistol.”

    1) That being a totally ridiculous statement because are easier to shoot and less accidents happen with them, compared to pistols.

    2) We allow 18 year olds, to handle and shoot rifles. some even do it at 17, hell, for a few wars we even drafted teenagers against their will and ordered them to kill for us. But if you’re a law abiding citizen he doesn’t think you privately them.

    Source: Armstrong and Kennedy discussion.

  3. #1 thing that stuck out to me was the part about how the scope has to come off to use the irons. Look up Clawmounts scope mounts. The best quick-detach scope mount I have ever seen.

    Also, make sure your irons are dialed-in. There's a lot of people that have the back-up sights on their gun but don't have them zeroed. Dont do a lot of good if you can't hit anything with them.

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