Home CMMG The Buffer – Theory and when to Use What Buffer

The Buffer – Theory and when to Use What Buffer


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  1. What would you suggest for buffer weight for (AR-10 308lr) with collapsible buttstock with rifle gas system 24" bull barrel ( semi fire only) i currently have 49oz carbine buffer

  2. working on my first rifle. I am Trying to figure out what buffer to use on a 20" Colt Sporter Match Hbar. Rifle length gas system. Will a basic carbine buffer work okay? Or should I go the H2 route?


  3. i would like to ask a question if i could. i just built my first AR 15 and went out today to try it out. i found that the rifle is shooting 2 or 3 rounds at a time, not every time i shoot but it would fire 2 or 3 bullets and then it would have a round go in the chamber and it wouldn't fire that round, when i opened the bolt a round would come out and the primer had been hit but only lightly. i wondered if the problem could be related to the buffer spring being to weak or if the gas system might be to much gas going to the bolt causing this problem. i'm not sure if the gas system on mine is adjustable or not or how you go about adjusting it. any advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated. thank you.

  4. This is easily the most in-depth discussion on buffer on YouTube. I'm very curious to hear your thoughts on the other half of the buffer system: the buffer spring. Specifically, when should I consider moving to a stronger spring?

  5. What buffer should I use for a 20” rifle gas barrel with a carbine receiver extension? Should I get a carbine buffer that is as close to the rifle buffer weight or something else? I also live in Texas, so sub-zero weather is not much of a concern. Thanks

  6. Great video and detailed information. BLUF I got out of it is the buffer weight should match the barrel weight – lighter barrel = lighter buffer, heavy barrel = heavy buffer. Barrel length doesn't matter, barrel weight matters. Questions still exist about length of gas system, size of gas system ports, and how does being "over-gassed" impact the cycling and choice of buffer – and whether buffer weight even matters in an over-gassed set up?

  7. Kudo's for pointing this out Chris! I have a 16"Mid Length PSA and it is stock except for a Chip McCormock Flat Wire Buffer Spring and went to an "H" buffer from the OEM "Carbine" model. I am going to have to wait till next winter here in Illinois for a true test of this mod. Always be prudent in testing non OEM components in any firearm!!! Great video as usual; sir!

  8. I understand buffer tubes or receiver extensions as this gentleman puts it. However I do not agree with or maybe I don’t fully understand the weight of the barrel causing BCG bounce. It was always taught to me that it has to be a balance with buffers to allow as light as possible recoil but also heavy enough to close the bolt. Now basically it has to act like a dead blow hammer so you don’t have bounce. But the weight of the barrel has very little to do with the act of a gas system driving the bolt back and cycling another round.

  9. Very much appreciate you sharing what knowledge. Every video is full of useful and supported info. 9mm AR w/ variables being 7.5” barrel, over barrel AMTAC suppressor and Fostech binary trigger so not select fire but capable of higher rates of fire then semi….having good success running a hydraulic buffer from Kynshot but trying to be aware of whether or not I may be abusing the internals amd whether I should go to the 5.5oz as you discussed? Not always operated from binary mode but it’s an option.

  10. Quick question , My AR-15 chambered for 5.56 or .223 works perfect with 5.56 ( All weights ) yet will short stroke every time with .223 . I've tried every dang brand and weight of .223 and it makes no difference . Could this be a buffer or spring problem ( it's running a standard mil spec 37 coil buffer spring and an mil spec plain [ no markings ] carbine buffer ) it also has an A frame front sight / gas block that IS properly pinned and is tight . With the 5.56 rounds it's ejecting at the 2:00 position and the 4:00 with .223 ( Yes it ejects the spent round but short strokes the next round in the mag ( I use good quality mags and have used several different ones to ensure it's not a mag problem) . ? There's several .223's I'd like to use but….Thank you in advance and this was a GREAT vid , I learned a lot watching it and will use this info on my next build and to help a couple of my friends who are having problems with their AR's that your vid deals with and I'm sure that this info will cure .

  11. I have a full auto AR15 that when I go full auto with it with a standard buffer it does not like it, that is shooting .22lr out of it. Whenever I switch out the 5.56 bolt to the .22lr bolt and forget to switch the buffer out if feed jams and stove pipes until I switch them out.

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