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0:00 AR-15 Pistol vs SBR vs Rifle
1:08 AR-15 Pistol (IWI Zion Z-15)
1:59 AR-15 Rifle (Springfield Saint)
2:19 AR-15 Short Barreled Rifle (DD MK18)
3:46 Springfield Saint [Live Fire]
5:05 Can You Legally Convert an AR-Pistol into an SBR?
6:22 IWI Zion Z-15 [Live Fire]
7:19 How a Brace is Worn?
9:14 Daniel Defense MK18 [Live Fire]
10:24 Firearm Laws
14:36 Win the LWRCI SMG-45!
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Intro Song: “Issa Trap” by Mikey Geiger
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who cares?, KYGABM
No, I bet $100 to a donut hole the cops don't know gun laws that well unless like you said it's there hobby
Hands down… great video. Thanks, Clint!

I don't have much going on on my channel. But I get the impression that a simple walk though of my 23 and me report could clarify a lot of unnecessary problems for unnecessary reasons. What I mean by that is that it doesn't matter what my ethnic heritage is.
Can anyone help me as to what holster clint is wearing, any help would be awesome.. Thanks!
Little off topic for a video idea. it’s challenging to find a level 2 retention holster for the FN 45 tactical. Have any option ideas of different manufacture companies that make OWB level,2 holster. Thank you
From what I've heard from people I've talked to, a lot of cops assume AR pistols are SBR's
You can put a forward grip on a pistol if that pistols overall length is above 26 inches. It is then considered non concealable and will not be classified as an AOW.
The locals only know if the particular officer is into guns and actually read up on it. Most other ones don't care.
What if they just made the qualifier that you have a VA rated service connected disability and you could have a brace on anything but if you didn't have a VA rated or service connected disability you can't have them at all. Would that be fair?
Gun laws are unconstitutional. ATF is the one breaking laws.
Good video buddy. God bless
Glad someone explained the difference
OBOLISH THE NFA!!! it blows my mind how much we've aloud them to infring our right!!
1. Deserving or inviting mockery; absurd
2. Gun laws in the USA
Here in Indiana one can only carry a "pistol" with a permit. I seriously doubt that most law enforcement here would know the difference between an SBR and an AR pistol. Fact is most ppl period don't know that difference. But on top of that firearms are not registered here in this state, so how would any law enforcement officer here know if the AR pistol with the 14" barrel was manufactured as an SBR, or was it made as a pistol? So how would they know if they need to confiscate the weapon and charge the owner with a crime? I personally think any AR platform is a rifle, rifle or pistol should be based on the round chambered not the barrel length or stock/brace. but I'm just a guy who likes to shoot….
I’m sorry to say this but anyone who’s paid for a tax stamp indirectly told the government its okay for them to make extra money on an infringement.
There’s a guy that fishes and carries his ar around with him and shows how many cops don’t know the law about guns. It’s a cool channel. Guy fishing with ar and u will find him lol. He’s from florida where we don’t have a open carry unless u are hunting fishing and or camping but most cops do not even know that.
I still haven't found ANYWHERE in the Constitution where it says we need government permission to have a shorter barrel and a stock on our firearms.
I personally just literally found out that state firearms laws, actually trump federal firearm laws, exactly how! I am not sure, but if you don't believe me look it up yourself.
At a traffic stop, if you handed over your LTC license along with your DL to the police officer, the officer will be more relax because they all know the LTC people are the most law abiding citizens on earth.
I want a suppressor. But I don’t want my name and address on a drone strike list. Is this a valid concern? Or is my name and address already on their list from buying normal guns
How about a light on an ar pistol? Legal?
I can only have 16+” rifles in my Demonrat run state of Hawai’i one reason I’m buying 10 acres in Utah
But let's be realistic… 95% of pistol braces are not being used as braces.
If u decided to save the $200 on that tax stamp….all im saying is we aint no snitches-this message was brought to you by the official gun community
Ok, you have a rifle and 2 sbr's. Cool!
Form 1’s TYPICALLY take about 2-3 weeks for approval, of course there is freak scenarios but that’s a normal wait time for form 1’s a form 4 is more like 4-12 months.
They need to just get rid of the NFA all together. Would save a lot of headaches and get rid of the whole taxation theft thing.
A video on ar lower receiver would be helpful. Which box is checked on the form ? Is it a pistol or rifle? How can it be built with upper receiver, pistol or rifle? Can it changed from pistol to rifle or rifle to pistol? There is confusion about it.
I moved from NY to WV to become a gunsmith and free from the bs. I would love to collab with u guys one day
classic firearms and Skips Gunz
What about a Tavor rather than a SBR?
QUESTION: you stated what makes a rifle is that it’s manufactured as a rifle, and what makes a pistol is that it’s manufactured as a pistol…if I purchase a stripped lower receiver, can I build it with a 12” barrel and a brace and it be a pistol? Does the ATF Form 4473 for the stripped lower have to specify for pistol use?
I got the saint but with a 8’ barrel and a law folder on it
Did I hear that right a scar giveaway :0
I’d love to see a Springfield Saint lineup comparison, function and ergonomics video of the Standard, Victor, and Edge versions.
You can have a vert grip on a 12.5.. falls under the OAL Law
@8:50 I'm pretty sure anything that's 90°, from the barrel makes it a vertical grip. Even if it's a stubby inch. Lol
None of their damn business, law enforcement