Home AR-15 Pro-Tip AR-15 Upgrades in 1 Minute #Shorts

Pro-Tip AR-15 Upgrades in 1 Minute #Shorts


Thy inner mall ninja, thou must resist..
How to build a super efficient, super effective AR-15 in 1 minute.
The more you know, the more you leave in the parts drawer..
ADM UIC Mod2 13.9” p&w is legit my go to, do-all AR. Code armandgun saves you 10% on ADM’s site (I get zero kickbacks)

See all my #Shorts here:
Flecktarn Combat Short from UFPro!

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Cool gear from companies I have collab’d with:
American Defense Manufacturing: Code ARMANDGUN for 10% off most stuff on their site
Accu-Tac Bipods: Code ARMANDGUN for 25% off products on their site
Cases: Air Armor Tech |
Combat Clothing: UF PRO |
AR 550 Targets |
Plate Carriers: HRT Tactical |
Safe: Rhino Metals |
Gun wall: Gallowtech |
Books: Vickers Guide |
Flannels: Dixxon | USA Canada
Gloves: Fist Handwear |

Purchasing from the below links helps support Arm&Gun.

Bolt Action Coffee | Use ‘armandgun’ for 10% off:

Black Arch Holsters |

#armandgun #shorts #ar15

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  1. Hey arm and gun, recently saw one of your stolen videos, I'm aware that you commented on it however it has been a month since the comment was made and the video is still up, keep up the great content tho!

  2. How does it feel to buy your manhood ? On top of that , to spend all that money, but never get to shoot anyone.
    You here his voice…
    “ Martha ??? Martha ?!?! Is that someone that is about to walk across our lawn. Omg I wish, I wish he would cross our lawl. I wish. I fuckin wish Martha. I’ll shoot his ass so fas…ahh shit. It’s just the mail man. “… in the weird nerdy fake nice-guy voice the whole time

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