BCM QD Sling Mount
QD MLOK / KEYMOD Rail mount
Proctor Sling
BFG Sling 2 point
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Didn’t know the Air Force did a lot of climbing. Then again I guess you have to climb in and out of a plane, well, some of them ( jazz…just let the ramp down).
A million years ago during pre-Ranger school in Hawaii we were using a rope to climb up a very steep hill, as I reached the top the instructor (God rest his soul) was sitting there and told me that I just got a major minus spot report. Like a dummy I asked why, he replied “ for slinging your weapon”! Still not too sure about the climbing a rope with one hand but….Back then in Ranger school we did not have slings (M-16s), we ran 550 cord from the shoulder strap of our LBE to the front sight post, “dummy cord”! If you want an LBE dummy cord sling contact me and I’ll sale you one. I invented it………..
I think a good sling/setup is maybe one of the most easy, effective, and overlooked things that a lot of people don't do with their AR's or other MSR/PDW/DMR/etc types. People look for the coolest rail, hip reticle, etc, but there's not to much talk about slings. In the real world, slings are a must-have if you really ever need to travel with your weapon.
I'm trying to think of a better way to obscure the view-ability of your video, but I think you've got it covered with the black background, black rifle, and black sling. Otherwise, thanks
Without the Air Force no one would be airborne qualified and nobody gets jump pay! Also you'd quickly run out of ammo, MREs and batteries for you Game Boy!
Always appreciate you sharing and helping me out . I always find something in your videos that helps me or educates me . Thanks !
Where'd you get the forward thumb hand grip assist?
Fuck you, man! I was in the Coast Guard!
Love myself some good fake operator content!!!
We could use some Coast Guard swift boat patrols on the Rio Grande right about now.
I just watched this and it is very informative. Thank you for making this video. Here is my problem though, I have a Ruger mini 14 with an Archangel Sparta stock and I've watched lots of videos and no one has a video on what I have. Any suggestions on what I should get and possibly a video for a Mini 14?
im more use to points during my training at the shooting range but 3 points isn't so bad, i just prefer 2
"If you ever made fun of another branch of service, but then both agreed that the Coast Guard was the absolute worst". HAHAHAHA! Been there, done that. Unfortunately, we both then agreed that the Coast Guard was the best branch of service. We were getting shot at daily in an A-stan shit hole and out buddies in the USCG were cruising the waterways of Flordia, Southern Cal, etc, etc.
Does the scalarworks 1.93 mount match up well with a 2 point sling, hard to say
The magpul sling allows you to have both! Why not? There are situations where a single point sling is better. To me the magpul sling is a no brainer. Options matter.
Finally a sling vid that makes sense….THANKS!!!
You ever seen a 7 point sling?
2 point can be set up in so many ways there is no reason to buy anything else
A little CG history-Douglas Munro. Just a man in a Higgins boat saving 500 Marines on Guadalcanal.
Mike always with the gems, im looking for what sling setup to get for my ar15. He makes deciding so much easier.
I love the confused captions about the comments, Butthead. LMAO.
I've always ran single point slings. Take's awhile to train yourself not to hit yourself in the nuts when transitioning to your side arm.
"They invented ranger panties" LOL
My dad was a coast guard boarding officer, one time they had to escort 26 immigrants back to Cuba('wet foot dry foot' was in effect). They had them all sitting on the flight deck to get some sun and fresh air etc. and the biggest guy in the group was ryling the other refugees up like they were bout' to take over the cutter so my dad and his watch partner went over and told him to sit back down but he was getting belligerent so my dad went down to the armory and grabbed his gun belt which had his handcuffs and he came back up topside and they took the guy down and lashed him to the flight deck with the cuffs and kinda made an example out of him in front of the other Cubans.
But yeah, theres a Coasty storie for ya lol.