The CMMG Mutant made quite an impact on the community when it was released. However is the extra cost worth it over some of the 7.62 AK’s in Tarkov? Lets find out.
Ammo Chart:
Contact me:
Intro: 0:00
Ammo: 0:42
Best 7.62 AK: 3:10
AK Builds: 3:49
Mutant vs AK: 5:20
Mutant Builds: 5:57
Conclusion: 9:30

for me its honestly the question of do i need a suppressor or not. if i need one than i go with the mutant, if i dont than its AK103/104 time
AK-104 Gang. Underappreciated gun!
Akm and akmn has the same base ergo, the mag is the difference
Totally agree Voxy, the mutant might have some better stats but the AK is love
you can suppressed the mutant and it still ok ish, while suppressed 103, its tough
The second E is pronounced in Noveske
If you want to build a decent AK for cheap money switch out the gas block to the kiba arms vdm cs, from Peacekeeper LL3.
Now you can attach the unique Krebs handguard, which gives 3% recoil for around 12k at the flea.
Combine that with the mentioned buttpad and JMAC comp and you have a really competitive AK for around 100k.
thanks for the video we were just discussing this in our discord
Bro why you gotta expose my meta ak103 build that is cheaper and feels better than the mutant
AK-103 has always been my favorite gun in the game. I love 7.62 BP so if I want to run something suppressed with a scope I run mutant for the stealth, but AK-103 if im rushing dorms, resort etc.
Where I disagree with this is you don't have to do anything special with the mutant for it to be better than the AK variant…just grab the KRISS stock, longer barrel and put the RED muzzle brake on there (or the muzzle+suppressor combo if you wanna go suppressed.
Then any foeegrip that gives 2% recoil and you're good to go..thing is a laser.
But the ak-103 requires a new handguard, decent stock, picatinny dust cover and then the muzzle brake/suppressor and it doesn't come close to as good as the mutant.
Mutant feels more stable..less horizontal recoil and nearly no vertical.
But then again full auto sprays I do crouched and not standing up so there's that.
bro the muzzle flash for the loud mutant is so bad i once swung on someone and completely missed everything because i couldn’t see them
Its pronounced no-ves-key
They did the mutant dirty, I knew it would be powerful when they announced it. But these nerfs are ridiculous, the gun is amazing irl, and should be in game. Same with the Vector, but the jams take care of that weapon, which is complete BS, that gun is super reliable.
6:45 "You save money and it's just as good"
You just said the AK-103 has a slight advantage over the mutant regarding muzzle velocity and accuracy.. the barrel length is the DIRECT component that affects this stat.
Edit: Furthermore, the 50 RPM extra is significant when you aren't hitting every shot. The Mutant has visibly less recoil than the AK-103 despite the extra 50rpm, too. To each his own, though.
Awesome video Vox, I'll give meta 103 a crack today.
I use the AKS-74 with BS or igonik ammo. Its the rat mutant.
ak is cheaper has 50 round drum and can be over 50 ergo with them. No contest
I think what was missed in this video is the MOA for the mutant vs the 103. Faster firing rate and less spread when firing. I think its a half MOA difference if memory serves.
Or, you can go in with a dick helm, level 4 rig and a stock sks with BP. Chad killer.
I prefer AKM from Papor for 3 Tushonkas ~20k disassembling it and grab some decent parts for the core gun for around 90k.
Overall fun gun.
I dont care about Meta builds and focus more on tactics than thinking 20 less recoil is going to save me…………………great results so far.
this uneven headset triggers my OCD
You probably more likely to get the AK back from (cheaper) insurance I guess. Thanks for the info. dude.
I just came here to answer the title: no
i craft all the powder my self. Is cheaper that way.
you just put target on your head/eyes when using mk, since it is so expensive.
im drinking my water and the 69 ergo part caught me completely off guard 11/10
MUTANT vs. Mother Russia 0-1
The muzzle flash looks like that or similar for all guns if you test them in the hideout shooting-range because you stand directly below a light source. Jump over the table to get rid of it. Of course it will be like that in raid if you find yourself in a positions like that.
Short and Loud MK47 Rise up!
You can get better recoil control with decent ergo on the MK47, plus it looks cooler.