Video 3 of 30
What are some thoughts and considerations when using an AR-15 for home defense? Is it a good idea, or bad idea?
I go overt the ups and downs of making that deision. The AR-15 is a popular rifle, in fact the most popular rifle in the USA. Is Home Defense a good use?
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  1. One thing about 5.56 NATO AR 15 Ammo is that it becomes ballistically unstable in the body. What this means is that the round dissipates its energy into the person instead of going through. Look at the gel shots they create a tearing wound even the solid metal jacketed ones! Injuring a person with a weapon is a crazy bad idea! It should be lethal.

  2. John Correia constantly reminds me that the sheetrock you're hiding behind at the top of the stairs isn't cover. Appreciate the sound considerations you mentioned regarding using the AR-15 inside. I think I'm willing to risk hearing damage for the shock and awe robbers will experience from hearing something so loud.

  3. For indoors in an urban environment I pick a 9mm carbine with 33 round glock magazine. No way my wife would want to fire an AR15 indoors. I have been in a small room with a 5.56 going off, it is not pleasant for anyone including the shooter.

  4. If I lived in a small apartment with neighbors very close, or a home with a small offset from neighboring homes I would favor a full-sized automatic pistol with hollow points for home defense, strictly out of concern for collateral injury or death. With no neighbors nearby, an AR or 12 gauge will turn your defense into an offense right quick.

  5. He’s definitely not over exaggerating about AR being loud indoors. You’re going to have some gnarly hearing loss especially if you have to fire it multiple times. Being in a shoot house before we had double hearing protection (ear plugs and Muffs) and that was barely enough. But even a handgun or shotgun is going to be loud as fuck indoors.

  6. “Ammunition is not that expensive to shoot” Hope we get back to that one day😭

    Yes, it’s an excellent weapon for home defense. Make sure to add a flashlight with enough lumens to blind the intruder and stun them and a red dot.

    Also, it’s unlikely you will have permanent hearing damage just firing a couple of shots.

  7. Got an Ar-15 with the adjustable stock for my home defense. But my primary is my updated 6inch .44 magnum made by S&W. I live here in Alabama. They really don’t care about who you shoot half the time. We have the castle law and stand your ground law. Both of which allow the ultimate self defense. Castle law includes both inside a vehicle and inside a home, stand your ground applies outside the “castle”.

  8. Living here in Georgia. I watched a video of sheriffs talking about the 5.56 round and how he encourage the second amendment. He said the 5.56 is great for indoors because it penetrates less barriers and its great people stopper round. So even after you shot someone with a 9mm the round has a higher probability of penetrating than the 5.56. That's why this cartridge is still being used today.

  9. Guys you have used this weapon platform professional and had to take down bad guys, yet would tell you they didn't go def for firing this round. basically all rounds you fire are going to be loud, so don't worry about it.

  10. I want my home defense weapon to be as loud as possible, in the event that I can’t reach 911 for whatever reason, I want my neighbors to hear that something is going on and hopefully call for help.

  11. Comma and joe are not taking away our home protection, we are not letting you down size our military, defund the police then take away our guns, any guns, we need them to protect our homes and our country, from whom ever, Patriots

  12. I use an AR15 for home defense in GA and yes I’ve taken over penetration into consideration I use hollow tips with a 40 rounder attached to my piece. I’ve got 3 of those babies they’re the best.

  13. Use an Ak for my home defense. love my ARs but racking my ak in the dark is loud enough to scare away any sane person. I rather have a home invasion investigation rather then a the cops looking at a death. Also a clean conscious is good.

  14. Theres been ALOT of myth busting in the gun world over the past couple of decades. One is that the 5.56 over penatrates worse than handgun rounds and shotguns because its a rifle round. This is not true. Type in "handgun vs shotgun vs ar 15 penatration" here on youtube. Handgun rounds are by far the worst because of the weight of the bullets and even though i own and carry handguns they should NEVER be used for home defense if u have another option. Shotguns are almost as bad if you use a shot heavy enough to really put the bad guy down (lighter shotgun loads dont do enough damage despite wat people have believed for years). Regardless of its velocity a lighter bullet loses its energy alot faster than a heavier bullet. Look at it like this. If a pitcher throws a 97mph fast ball at u even though its goin fast it stops quickly when u catch it cause its light. If he throws a steel ball bearing the same size as a baseball at u even at only 30mph its gonna be a helluva lot harder to stop because of the weight. Simple physics. As far as lethality we all know velocity is wat will get ya. Thats why rifle rounds are so much deadlier than handgun rounds. So with the ar-15 having more velocity (more effectiveness), less over penatration (safer), higher capacity as well as being easier to use theres really no better option. These arent just my opinions. All this has been well documented repeatedly. People should really do some serious research and dig for facts cause theres alot of myths out there.

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