Heys guys! It’s finally here. The NIKON L35AF camera review for you wonderful people :). Hope you guys learn something from this video and please let me know if you guys would like to see more reviews on cameras or if you’d like to see this camera in action with a hands on review! let me know in the comments below :).

Link to the manual of Nikon L35af –

People in this video:


Social Channels:

Instagram (digital) –

Instagram (film) –

Twitch –

Discord –

Vlogging Gear:

-Canon G7X Mkii

Photo Gear:

-Canon 6D

-Sigma 35mm 1.4

-Rokinon 14mm 2.8

Songs used in video! Go show them some love 🙂

Limes – Debonair w/ Aimless

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  1. This video was very helpful! And the link you provided, I literally got this camera today at an antique store for $5. Definitely following your film instagram!

  2. i have this camera in my hands as i'm watching your video! was wondering if it's possible to run without batteries, but by the looks of it, it does not. time to go out for batteries!

  3. I just bought this camera and your video was super helpful, thank you! I was worried the iso wheel on mine was stuck and wouldn't have had the courage to really push on it without you sharing the same experience.

  4. Good video. I just picked one of these up for $5 at a thrift store. A question as I'm used to MF mechanical SLRs. How does the auto focus work? How do you use the sliding needle with the different objects in the viewfinder? How do you know if you're too close to your subject?

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