Home CMMG Throwing My AR Trigger Away || Drop-in Upgrade

Throwing My AR Trigger Away || Drop-in Upgrade


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Today I take the first step toward expanding my horizons. I have used the Geissele trigger for years, specifically the Tricon. I threw it away so I have no choice but to push forward and use the CMC trigger for this particular AR-15 setup. The AR trigger comes in a variety of configurations specific to the rifle setup. This video will briefly cover the trigger function
of the single stage trigger.

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  1. Ahhhh Gisselle is kind of a dick anyway, idk was looking at his trigger, when I called customer service to ask a few thing I was told โ€œitโ€™s on the website and they hung up on meโ€ well ๐Ÿ‘Œ

  2. Trust me, I'm a fan of more rounds equals more data, but I just don't hear of triggers not lasting through thousands of rounds. Its not really a hard use object. How many have you had fail and which ones were they?

  3. I have that exact same trigger. 2 of them actually. I'm sorry but the rise armament curved ra140 sst trigger is better. And half the price almost when you catch them on sale..the rise armament trigger is better built too. The case of the trigger is machined aluminum compared to the cmc steel housing.
    The shoe is great on the cmc,but it still has its issues. It can and will catch on the fingers of your gloves.
    Rise armament also has a flat shoe trigger,I have two but I personally prefer the curved shoe.
    Side by side function they are nearly identical when comparing takeup/reset.
    So for me,its the rise armament triggers all day.

  4. I heard that Franklin now has a drop in binary trigger for the 10/22. I would be interested in seeing a video on it if you can snag one. I believe I heard a price of just north of 200 bucks. I put 2.5 pound BX triggers in my two 10/22's and my Charger Takedown, but I'm seriously considering a 10/22 takedown or a Charger with the polymer stock that I can add a brace to. It might be fun to have a binary trigger, but I would have to keep it away from my sighted grandkids. I have twelve (12) that I bought model 1296 10/22's in one whack, the youngest just turned one, so he and six others have their's sitting in my closet waiting with each kid's name on the box. I also bought the 2x42mm TruGlo red dot for each one. The 1296 has an ATI folding tactical stock with an adjustable buttstock, pistol grip, threaded barrel, flash hider, and that scary, almost lethal 25 round detachable magazine. I bought them because the adjustable buttstock will allow the gun to grow with each kid. And no, I'm not looking for any more grandkids.

    Take care and keep your barrel clean. Bo Leggs.

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