We are Jacob & Katie! The Tidewater Magnet Throwers!
Clean The Environment With Us!
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Went magnet fishing in a creek on a weekend morning for a few hours. Its was an exciting day Katie had her new magnet out for the first time! She was using her Kratos 2400 360. We had some amazing finds and then Katie found a gun! An AR-15 Rifle! The cops were called and the rifle was taken to be investigated and then destroyed. After some research it looks like an Armscor Model 1600 22LR AR-15. This was Katie’s first gun and the first gun for the channel. I am super jealous she beat me to it! I have some work to do I need to find one now! I was using my Kratos 3800 Titan 360 with a new cover and rope. Hope you enjoyed the video! If your interested in picking up a Kratos 360 magnet check the links below! Thank you for watching! If your interested in being involved in the magnet fishing community or sharing your finds please join our Facebook group linked below!
Links to my social media and magnets
Use code TMT12 for 12% off at Kratos Magnetics
Use code TMT10 for 10% off at Brute Magnetics
Facebook Group Please Join!!!!
Our 5 Gal Bucket of choice
The Firehouse Subs foundation link that the pickle bucket money directly benefits!
Kratos Titan 3800LB 360 Magnet
Kratos 2400LB 360 Magnet
Grappling Hook
I do not own the rights to the music, sounds, pictures, or memes used.
If you have any questions please drop a comment below!
1. YouTube is not associated with this giveaway in any way and are not sponsoring or liable for the prize. I am solely responsible for doing this giveaway, picking a winner, and sending out the prize
2. All subscribers are free to enter if they wish! All you have to do is leave #katiesfinds somewhere in a comment and I will be able to pick a comment based on that hashtag! If you do not use #katiesfinds correctly spelled in the comment, you will not be entered into the contest.
3.After I pick a winner I will give that winner 1 week to get in touch with me to claim their prize. If 1 week goes by and I haven’t received notice from the winner, a new winner will be picked.
4.The only information I will need from you if you win will be an address that you would like to receive the prize at. I will not use that information for any other purpose and that information will stay private.
6.Open to lower 48 U.S. residents only.
#Police #Gun #MagnetFishing
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#katiesfinds. Congrats Katie on your first gun find!
Awesome find it would have made a nice wall ornament so congratulations Katie….#katiesfinds
Only watching this cos Katie is in it
#katiesfinds awesome find !!!!
#katiesfinds freaking awesome find and great video brother

#Katiesfinds. You guys are awesome!!
#Katiesfind… What an awesome find!
Congratulations Katie!! How exciting for you! #katiesfinds
#katiesfinds sad man that it wasnt you but just hash it up to beginners luck
Congrats Katie on your first pew pew. To bad you can't get it back. #katiesfinds
#katiesfinds. Way to go…first gun for Katie. …girl power a go!!!!
#Katies fines… I love it when she goes with you
# katiesfinds – awsome video
Wow!! #Katie's fines was fabulous today and shocking. You guys be careful out there because some of those bad people you know they they may see you around an area that they did bad things in so please be careful.
Awesome find #katiesfinds you guys pulled up a ton of stuff from that bridge!