A quick video on why I HIGHLY recommend using a set of anti-walks pins in your AR-15, especially when paired with an aftermarket drop in trigger.
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my pins walk just by touching them.. im gonna get some anti walk pins for sure
Your cheap rifle is outta spec. Pins are supposed to rotate on AR platform. Drop in triggers are different and less reliable. Sell that junk.
Will these anti walk anti rotation pins work with extended mag release and extended bolt catches? I.e. geissele maritim bolt catch and the Odin works extended mag release. Thanks for any info on this
Do these cmc anti walk pins work with Geissele triggers?
Very informative. Thanks
My AR shot by its self while being Loaded, right when I let go of the slide it shot, I think it might be because the pins come out
This is BAD advice. The trigger pin is DESIGNED to rotate. This is intentional, and non-rotating trigger pins can actually cause wear and tear on the lower receiver itself. Your trigger pin moving so freely in your drop-in trigger either means you received an aftermarket/non-milspec trigger pin, a lower receiver which as manufactured to improper specifications, or, more likely, that your drop-in trigger itself was not manufactured to proper specifications.
Drop in triggers are a big no-no
Why did the Chicken cross the Road ? Because it was anti-Walk ! ! ! I don't get it either.
You are not a clown, you are the entire circus, get a good lower and new pins.
If those pins are that loose, then they are probably well worn, replace them with a
good and precise pair of new pins. In my A Rs, I need to use a punch to get them
out. If you replace the pins and they are still really loose, then the holes in your
lower receiver are "worn", probably due to a lack of lube.
You don't need this crap. Here's a better solution. If you have an old PC hard drive
laying around, there are two "super" magnets under the disc of the disk drive.
they are thin, but quite powerful. Stick them together, and you will know how
powerful they are. Place one of these on each side of your lower receiver
where the hammer and trigger pins are. You can still remove them without
any trouble, but since they are both pulling at the pins from both sides, your
pins will not "walk out" from either side.
If you need anti walk pins , it's not Mil Spec. Mil Spec does not need anti walk pins . If you need anti walk pins , you bought a junk trigger
Thank you! Any thoughts on the Velocity Classic or Velocity MPC Trigger? What’s your trigger of choice?
Nothing wrong with anti walk pins you want them get them but If everything is within spec they will never actually be needed …..
So … Why would anyone NOT get anti-walk pins ? EVERY Freak'in TIME ? If a trigger pin slides out ( 1/8" ) it will seize up the entire assembly. As in .. Rifle is less than useless.
I have had this happen a couple times so i went on Ebay and purchased a stainless steel Anti walk set for ( $20 ) with Allen screws on each end. A drop of loctite each, 10mins. later & BAM ! Magically my rifle will Never Ever have the trigger seize up again. Turning my precision AR-15 into an aluminum club.
So What in the Hell is the question again ?
After tightening, the pin should still rotate.. correct? Because these are anti walk not anti rotation..plus thread lock needed?
Not all drop-in triggers are like that. Some do have some means of securing the pins using those same notches on them.
I just recently purchased a CMC lower parts kit for my Anderson Lower.Although i have not decided if i want an AR pistol or a long gun yet?If i go either way i want it to be a 9mm but from what i heard if its in a pistol caliber its a pistol no matter how long the barrel is?so its looking like an AR Pistol for me?lol But now that i saw this ill be getting the pins for all my AR style rifles.Thanks
I use Hiperfire triggers and standard pins. Many classes, and lots of rounds down range. Never seen a pin move in my or any rifle with a standard trigger set.
I have same rifle,bought drop in trigger,used black electrical tape,to secure pins, it worked. Now I have anti roll,do you use locktite on small screws?
Always use Anti-walk pins. Why would you not? Have a pin walk out on you at a bad time just once and you will be a believer. No need to spend $30.00 on KNS pins. $8.95 pins on ebay work fantastic.
I’ve lost two pins recently at the range on different ARs, I need to buy a few of these
Or use .155/.156 instead of .154 standard pins.
Why do some some with bars across the pins and some don't do i need to install the bar or can i just bolt all them in
Finally made sense, lol.
Stupid and unrelated question, did the mp logo on your lower get darker over time or did you paint it? I dislike how bright it is on mine.
Springs are way overrated, seems his pins are worn past its specs thats why they are falling out so easy.
All roll pins should be replaced with screws. Roll pins are an old technology.
What pistol grips are those hogue perhaps?
I will be installing anti roll pins in my Ar soon. This past weekend me and my buddy were at a competition half way through his stage his gun quit shooting, it's a factory built spikes lower.. his trigger pin came half way out! That could life or death!!